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Johnny Gaston for First Year Senator

Home: Welcome

Man of the People, Friend to Everyone

About Johnny (He/Him/His)

Born in New York City and raised by an amazing single mother, he became instilled with attributes on how to be a good person. Being selfless, listening to all, giving even when you don't have: these are some of the many ideals set upon him. Living in an all-female household, his core became composed of a gentle wind. In supporting his family, he learned to defend all those around him with all his soul. He is passionate about changing current structures that purport systemic disenfranchisement, and raising the voice of people who feel they are not heard. He has been quoted as saying that "serving the people is an honor in and of itself. I live to support my fellow human beings so that we may all walk the road of self-actualization together, as one." As a Posse Scholar, he brings proven leadership skills, and unwavering integrity to Middlebury.

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The B.O.O.T

Johnny's Platform

B ringing people together

O rganizing students for change

pposing exclusion in ALL FORMS 

T alking with students regularly

Home: Get Involved

Broader Initiatives on Campus

Although these are some ideas, the most important aspect is your input. None of this is possible without the participation of everyone.

On Campus Facilities 

We need access to more outdoor seating and furniture for starters. Late night hours for access to buildings should also be improved upon, so that students have a wider range study hours. The dining halls also need lots of reform, concerning food waste, and ways to conserve money being spent there.

Voices of the Marginalized 

The BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities at Middlebury need more of a voice in the processes of the Student Government, and bolstered advocacy to the administration. As a PWI, Middlebury needs to ensure that the voices of the historically underrepresented be heard. My fellow Students of Color, join me in making real change for every minority here on campus. Everyone can join in on this effort by simply supporting me and being engaged students.

Consent of the Represented

Student input is vital to this campus. That is why I plan to host weekly zoom calls so that everyone can ask questions about the work that I am accomplishing, and even to just have a chat. As First Years, we are all first and foremost peers and friends. I also plan to send out a monthly form where people can write about changes they would like to see on campus, whether they be social, or institutional.

Home: Issues

Contact Me

go/questionjohnny/ (submit any question)

|Follow my campaign on Instagram @johnnyforsenate - Voting period is from September 24th @12pm to September 25th @12pm|



516-388-8906 (personal number)

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