Welcome to the index page of MiddDev. Here you will be able to find information on past lessons, current project, and other misc items. Form to submit a project proposal [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrJBKZuHomjpRFPf6ZYFg2WrsDb9WepuOrWB8-_lGqkVhcQA/viewform) # Lessons 1. [[L1 - HTML, CSS]] 2. [[L2 - Intro to Git]] 3. [[L3 - Foundations of JS]] 4. [[L4 - React]] 5. [[L5 - API development]] 6. [[L5 - Databases]] 7. [[L6 - Next.js]] # Active Projects [[MiddDash]] # Sessions and meeting notes [[02_25 - Meeting 1]]