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Do Kids Care If Their Parents Adhere to Traditional Gender Roles?:

EU mulls over gender quotas in boardrooms:

2 More Colleges Accused of Mishandling Assaults:

HS Principal Threatens to Destroy Student for Speaking Out Against School’s Abstinence-Only Policies, Fails Miserably:

Explaining the Gender Gap On Gun Control:

Sweden Introduces New Gender-Neutral Pronoun, Makes Being a Man ILLEGAL:

Hamas segregates Gaza schools by gender:

Women’s War Daily: Military Brohesion:—military-brohesion

Colbert Slams Sen. Saxby Chambliss On Gay Marriage:

Could Mark Cuban Make Brittney Griner a Dallas Maverick?:

Brittney Griner, Basketball Star, Helps Redefine Beauty:

Video Shows Mike Rice’s Ire:

Pink Lego is an abomination. End this gender fascism:

Some Poor Kid’s Mom Wrote a Letter to Princeton’s Student Newspaper Begging Girls to Date Her Son:

The Future of the Gender Bend:

Paint Fights Latest Trend in Baby Gender Reveals:

He Hasn’t Had It All Either:

Career and Family: The Choices We Make:

The Gender Hair Gap:

Boys vs. Girls: What’s behind the college grad gender gap?

Gender Medicine: Why We Need To Focus On How Women vs. Men Get Sick:

Don’t Lean In: Do We Want Mothers to Work Part-Time?

Sexist Taunt from North Korea Raises Gender Issue For the South’s New Leader:

About A Boy: Transgender Surgery at Sixteen:

Being Seen: Video Diaries of a Transgender Youth:

Leading sex reassignment physicians weigh in on Fallon Fox:

Flexible Gender Identities Confound Expectations Of A Male And Female World:

Gender bias blocks Taylor bout against professional world champion:

The Gender Pay Gap Is Bad But Worse for Women of Color:

International gender difference in math and reading scores persists regardless of gender equality:

Gender Bias in Medicine:

The Ryan Budget: This Is Why There Is a Gender Gap:

This might interest some of you: Feminist Video Shorts Showcase (March 14, Burlington City Arts, 7-9 PM)

Gender in the news:

Head of California Republican Assembly Says Pregnancy From Rape Is Rare:

History of abortion in Ireland (see X, C, D cases):

Ireland’s abortion law is virtually meaningless:

New BLS Data Show Gender Gap Growing in College Education:

A First Step for Maryland’s Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Act:

Gender identity not just body parts:

Our Lack of Housewifery Has Turned Us All Into a Bunch of Fat Slobs:

What Housework Has to Do With Waistlines:

Attacked at 19 by an Airforce Trainer, and Speaking out:

Pompom Girl for Feminism:

Rape on the Reservation:

Aversion to Therapy: Why Won’t Men Get Help:

The Newton Tragedy: Boys Need Role Models Now More Than Ever

What Makes a Man?:

A female classicist and misogyny:

’50 Years of Reassessing the “Feminine Mystique”‘:

‘Why Gender Equality Stalled’:

‘Going Dutch: Women in the Netherlands work less, have lesser titles and a big gender pay gap, and they love it’:

‘Woman from Fox News’ Accidental Same-Sex Wedding Picture Speaks Out:

What is gender and what would a sociology of gender look like? That is the organizing question of this course. Gender is not an innocent classification, but rather a highly contested category. We will look at when gender became a category of inquiry and, more importantly, why. What do we ‘know’ about gender and how does knowledge of gender equal power—not just power of gender, but of sex, class, sexuality, and nationality?

Each class will be a discussion of the readings as well as a discussion of how the readings relate to our everyday lives. That means that in addition to the readings, I will ask you to apply them to everything from music, cinema, television—’Girls’ or ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’—to yourselves and your lives here on campus.

Reminder: This is a sociology class, not a science class. This means that when you come to class I expect to indulge/pretend/delight in the possibility that we are not programmed but constructed programmatically. You might not believe it. That’s ok. But here’s the exciting news: if we’re constructed, anything is possible.