Middlebury College Textbook FAQs

Welcome! Click on a menu topic above to find answers to frequently asked questions, tutorials and instructions, and general course material adoption information.

If you have additional questions or see anything we didn’t address here, please email textbookrequest@middlebury.edu – we are always looking to improve!


If you need to update adoptions you’ve already made for Fall 2021, please email textbookrequest@middlebury.edu as this will need to be done manually.

The online bookstore opens for students on Monday, August 16. Please email your students and remind them to order early to take advantage of FREE bulk shipping through August 29 – reducing both their costs and carbon footprint. It’s better to return materials for a full refund than to be unprepared.

Online textbook adoption:
Log into Course Director: https://servicecenter.mbsdirect.net/login.php
Remember to list all courses, even if no materials are required to be purchased.
Follow instructions here: https://sites.middlebury.edu/bookadoptionfaq/mbs-course-director-how-to/

Logging into Course Director. Remember to use username “middleburyfaculty” – not your personal login credentials!