GO needs your help! Find out how you can help by logging in to our self-service shortcut creation interface!
You can also view this list, sorted by the destination
go/l1 - Lesson doc to share with liasions |
go/libtutorial-citing - Learn why we cite sources in this quick self-guided lesson from the library. |
go/libtutorial-whywecite - Learn why we cite sources in this quick self-guided lesson from the library. | |
go/laa - Professor Arroyo Abad's website |
go/libtutorials - Library video tutorials |
go/libux - Sign up for library usability studies | |
go/labbooks - Diffusion and Osmosis Lab Books |
go/libvideoroom - Book a Video Viewing Room at the Davis Family Library |
go/labmap - A map of computer labs. |
go/libvideorooms - Book a Video Viewing Room at the Davis Family Library |
go/labmaps - A list of maps showing how public computer labs look like. Also has stats showing how many computers are available. |
go/libvideoviewing - Book a Video Viewing Room at the Davis Family Library |
go/labnotebook - The Industrial Design Lab Notebook |
go/libvids - A collection of video tutorials on subjects related to research and the library, for use in classes or in life more broadly. |
go/labs - Information about Computing Labs -- Locations & Available Software |
go/libviewingroom - Book a Video Viewing Room at the Davis Family Library |
go/labsafe - Link to Chemical Hygiene Plan |
go/libviewingrooms - Book a Video Viewing Room at the Davis Family Library |
go/labsafety - Middlebury Lab Safety |
go/libwebsitefeedback - Library - website feedback form. |
go/libwireless - survey on wireless reception in main library | |
go/libworkshop - Library workshop planning and ideas | |
go/labsoftware - List of the software available on PUBLIC computers. |
go/libx - Download page for Middlebury College LibX toolbar for Firefox or IE |
go/labwaste - Link to Lab Management Plan for chemical wastes. |
go/liebowitz - Liebowitz Day 2011 |
go/labyrinth - information about the labyrinth at The Knoll |
go/liebowitzday - Liebowitz Day 2011 |
go/liebs - Liebowitz Day 2011 | |
go/lacrosse/mens - Men's Lacrosse |
go/lies - This used to be a pervious shortcut to the former menu page which was said to be "lies" sometimes. The URL has been updated as a new menu page has been adopted. |
go/lacrosse/womens - Women's Lacrosse |
go/lies2 - MENU |
go/laculturalstudiesguide - Midd Library Research Guide to Latin American Cultural Studies |
go/lies2020 - Dining menus |
go/laforce121 - classroom documentation |
go/life - The official website for the "Variety is the Spice of Life" Club at Middlebury. |
go/laforcestafflog - Bitrus's ResLife Staff: Community Log |
go/lifealert - Learn how to survive at Midd! |
go/LAFsale - For folks living in LaForce who want to sell their stuff! |
go/lifebeyondmidd - Workshop series by CCI called Life Beyond Middlebury |
go/lift - Lift tickets for the Snowbowl | |
go/liftticket - Snow Bowl lift tickets | |
go/lakechelan - golakechelan.com |
go/lightemail - Light version of Webmail |
go/lightmail - Light version of Webmail | |
go/lal - Is someone crushing on you? |
go/lightning - Thorguard lightning detection system on campus |
go/lalgebra - MATH 200 Fall 2014 |
go/lights - for test printing |
go/lightsout - lights out what up | |
go/LAM - Life After Middlebury - Your Account & Access |
go/lightweb+mail - Light version of Webmail |
go/lightwebmail - Light version of Webmail | |
go/ligma - Ligma | |
go/like - The official website for the "Variety is the Spice of Life" Club at Middlebury. | |
go/land - The course blog for FMMC's Landscape Video |
go/LIL - Middlebury's LinkedIn Learning login page |
go/landandlens - Link to Land and Lens digital exhibition catalogue | |
go/LILchina - Blog post re: LinkedIn Learning relaunch in China | |
go/Landon - info session zoom meeting | |
go/landplan - Comprehensive plan for Middlebury Valley Lands |
go/LILinfo - LinkedIn Learning info -- 24/7 online, video-based training for Middlebury and MIIS faculty, staff, and students (formerly lynda) |
go/landry - LaundryView | |
go/lilwil - SGA campaign page | |
go/landscape - The Middlebury Landscape | |
go/landsplan - Comprehensive plan for Middlebury Valley Lands |
go/lilys - Follow the gram! |
go/landsplanning - Comprehensive plan for Middlebury Valley Lands |
go/lilysplaylist - A playlist for Lily Shale of WRMC |
go/langstafflog - Bitrus's ResLife Staff: Community Log |
go/LiMApplication - Application for Language in Motion |
go/langtab - Language Tables Wait-list and general information. |
go/limeconnect - Learn more about the Lime Connect Fellowship |
go/langtable - Atwater Language Tables |
go/limit - Near-numbers |
go/language+school - Middlebury College Language Schools | |
go/language+schools - Middlebury College Language Schools | |
go/lincoln - Funny video. | |
go/lincolnrecipes - Lincoln Cookbook submission form | |
go/languageinput - Foreign Language Input and Support | |
go/linderman - Michael Linderman's personal page | |
go/languages - The CS 313 course web page for Fall 2012. | |
go/languageschoolcatalog - Language Schools course catalog | |
go/languageschools - A selection of materials relating to Middlebury's Summer Language School programs, which began in 1915. | |
go/languageschoolscatalog - Language Schools course catalog |
go/ling101 - Linguistics 101 with Usama Soltan |
go/languagetables - Language Tables Wait-list and general information. |
go/ling201 - Linguistics 201 Segue Page |
go/languagetutoring - CTLR International Languages Tutoring |
go/lingchat - linguistics club stressbuster google sign up sheet |
go/languagetutors - Information on language tutors at Middlebury. |
go/lingclub - Link to Linguistics Club Facebook discussion group |
go/linguisticsguide - Library guide for Linguisitics. | |
go/laoshi - This GO shortcut leads you to the Teachers' Companion website for Level 2 (CHNS3201-3204) at the Chinese School. When off campus or when using unsecure wireless service, use this URL instead: http://blogs.middlebury.edu/2nianji/ |
go/link - Test website for project |
go/laptopbugs - Log of loaner laptop issues for circ |
go/linkarchive - Library - shortcut to the private links archive in LibGuides. |
go/laptopsale - Google Chromebook laptops for sale. | |
go/LinkedInLearningInfo - LinkedIn Learning info -- 24/7 online, video-based training for Middlebury and MIIS faculty, staff, and students (formerly lynda) | |
go/las - Latin-American Studies Department |
go/links - Middlebury College Subreddit |
go/linksarchive - Library - shortcut to the private links archive in LibGuides. | |
go/lasersammy - laser goose |
go/linkyourself - LinkedIn Event plus free professional headshots |
go/lints - Web application for Python static analysis intended for use by students in introductory computer science courses at Middlebury College | |
go/lastlecture - Middlebury College's Last Lecture Series |
go/linux_guide - How to install Linux as a virtual machine running on your own computer. |
go/latamculturalstudiesguide - Midd Library Research Guide to Latin American Cultural Studies | |
go/latamguide - Library Latin American History Research Guide | |
go/lis4faculty - Library resources for faculty page | |
go/lis?annrpt0809 - Library & Information Service Annual Report for July 2008 - June 2009 | |
go/lis?chart - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) | |
go/latinamericanculturalstudiesguide - Midd Library Research Guide to Latin American Cultural Studies |
go/lis?confapp - LIS Travel Approval form |
go/laube - Organist Nathan Laube performs on the Middlebury College Performing Arts Series, Thursday, March 21st (Bach's birthday) |
go/lis?events - Library & Information Services - Events |
go/laube14 - Info about Nathan Laube's PAS organ recital on 11/2/2014 |
go/lis?org - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) |
go/laube16 - MiddPAS/Bach Fest performance by organist Nathan Laube |
go/lis?orgchart - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) |
go/Laughoutcancer - Live Stream for Laugh out cancer event |
go/lisblog - easier to remember shortcut to the LIS blog. |
go/lischart - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) | |
go/lisconference - LIS Travel Approval form | |
go/LISemergencies - Link to Library Emergency Manuals | |
go/laundryservice - Affordable and Professional Laundry Service for Middlebury College Students' for shortcut rinse. |
go/LISemergency - Link to Library Emergency Manuals |
go/lisinternal - LIS Private blog | |
go/lauriepatton420 - sepomana 2016 brought to you by the laurie patton for a better 420 foundation |
go/lismiddatmills - LIS portal site for Mills-specific information. |
go/lismills - LIS portal site for Mills-specific information. | |
go/lavgrad - RSVP for Lavender Graduation 2024 |
go/lisorg - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) |
go/law - Pre-Law webpage |
go/lisorgchart - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) |
go/lispd-bwpc - LISPD View for jantonio | |
go/lawguide - Middlebury Libraries research guide | |
go/lawschool - Pre-Law webpage |
go/lispolls - currently pollev for lib classes; hold for future |
go/lax - Mens Lacrosse |
go/lisprivate - LIS Private blog |
go/lisproject - LIS Project Cabal | |
go/lisprojects - A directory of LIS projects. | |
go/lblog - Blog for LIS liaisons (login required) | |
go/lisstaff - LIS Private blog | |
go/lc - Library of Congress call-number organization |
go/lissuggestions - Library - Feedback form |
go/lcb - Luke Brown for SGA President! |
go/listen - WRMC 91.1FM |
go/lcshsearch - Shortcut to the search interface for LC Subject Headings |
go/listenmiso - miso Podcast on Anchor |
go/lcwaterquality - ENVS 401 Group: Lake Champlain Adaptive Water Quality | |
go/ld - Spot price of gold ($/troy ounce). I hope the bubble hasn't burst yet! |
go/listentodanilo - Danilo Herrera's blog for Sound Aesthetics and Production |
go/ListenUpVermont - Free e-books and e-audiobooks through ListenUpVermont, a service of Vermont public libraries. | |
go/listmod - List Moderation | |
go/listofprinters - List of printers on the Vermont and California campuses. | |
go/listravel - LIS Travel Approval form | |
go/ldrivers - Shortcut to find drivers needed for Lenovo devices via scan | |
go/liswebsitesurvey4lisstaff - LIS Website Survey for LIS Staff | |
go/lead - Orientation Leader Application |
go/liswiki - Wiki - LIS Wiki |
go/leadarun - Leading a run next week? List it here to send it to the MiddRuns mailing list. | |
go/litecoin - Placeholder... | |
go/leadermanual - Student Leader Resource Manual from Student Activities | |
go/literarycharacter - literary character 2018 | |
go/leaderschedule2022 - 2022 MiddView Leader Schedule |
go/literarystudies - Literary Studies Program at Middlebury (requirements/author list) |
go/litguide - Literature & Writing Research Guide | |
go/litmag - blackbirds orchard | |
go/litstudies - Literary Studies program at Middlebury (requirements/author list) | |
go/leadmeditation - Sign up to take part in leading a guided meditation for one of our Meditation Club meetings! | |
go/league - dadadaawavfaadc | |
go/leanne-feedback - Instruction feedback form for Leanne Galletly |
go/littleshop - Little Shop of Horrors Tickets |
go/leanne-instruction-feedback - Instruction feedback form for Leanne Galletly |
go/littletongs - teehee |
go/livcdraws - Art and illustrations, done by Middlebury's very own Liv Cappello | |
go/leannefeedback - Instruction feedback form for Leanne Galletly |
go/leanneinstructionfeedback - Instruction feedback form for Leanne Galletly | |
go/leannezoom - Leanne Galletly's zoom link | |
go/livechat - Live Chat link for Admitted Students | |
go/learn - A collection of ITS tech learning opportunities, including links to the workshop schedule, online training, how-to documentation, and more! |
go/livecomm12 - Streaming test for Media Services |
go/learn2fly - Link to aviation interest club. |
go/LiveFromDC - Live From DC brings the insights and perspectives of Middlebury alumni back to campus for a unique program that exposes students to careers in and around Washington DC. |
go/learn2skate - Sign up to learn to skate this spring with the Figure Skating Club! |
go/livelaughlove - wrmc summer app 2019! |
go/learnbanner - Banner 9 Admin Learning Resources |
go/liveoffcampus - Off Campus Living and Lottery page |
go/learnbanner9 - Banner 9 Admin Learning Resources |
go/liveshow - Performing for a live studio audience in the Hepburn Zoo, the Middlebury Radio Theater of Thrills and Suspense presents a spectacular series of original plays accompanied by a full arsenal of book-slamming, meat-punching, orange-dropping manual sound effects and audience participation. |
go/learnenergy2028 - Learn more about the importance of Energy2028, sustainability practices on campus, and climate education. |
go/livesolar - Solar Decathlon house applications |
go/learning - site for staff learning and development | |
go/learninginstitute - CTLR Learning Institute - an annual faculty and staff development event. | |
go/learningresources - Learning Resources CTLR -- time management, study skills, and executive function suppport |
go/livethemill - mill housing form 24-25 |
go/learningspaces - Inventory of learning spaces | |
go/livia - Olivia Noble | |
go/LearnSTEM - CTLR STEM Support |
go/livingeconomy - Official website for the 'Beyond Divestment: Money and Finance for a Living Economy' conference on March 6. |
go/learntofly - Link to aviation interest club. | |
go/learntoski - Sign up for cross-country ski lessons this J-Term at the Rikert Nordic Center! | |
go/leave-appl - Link to Faculty leave application |
go/ll - Land and Lens main page |
go/leave-moving-policy - Link to the leave moving policy | |
go/leave-notification - Link to leave notification form |
go/llg - Use this go/ link to access a map of the library that shows where different language sections are located. |
go/leave-program - Link to research leave program in Middlebury Handbook | |
go/lebano-scholarship - Online link to Edoardo Lebano Scholarship giving page. | |
go/lecturepermissions - Permission form for consent to record an event | |
go/lectures - Library - Digital Lecture Archive Internet Archive display | |
go/ledgers - Learning Through Ledgers: Henry Sheldon and His Museum webinar | |
go/leedy - Nate is cool | |
go/legacies - Home of the new J-Term Web Series Legacies | |
go/LLwarmJ - Celebrating the artistry of LLwarmJ | |
go/legacy - Middlebury Institute of International Studies legacy scholarship |
go/LMP - Link to Lab Management Plan for chemical wastes. |
go/legalguide - Middlebury Libraries research guide |
go/lmw - Lyris List Manager administration screen. |
go/legalpodcasting - Creative Commons Podcasting Legal Guide. This guide is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5. |
go/ln - for test printing |
go/legbreak - Sign up for the Middlebrow final Spring 2021 show. |
go/lnapolitano - Link for LS videos for AJW and PNO's letters |
go/legends_of_kintamani - Legends of Kintamani Cello Concerto | |
go/leglunch - RSVP to join the CCE's Legislative Lunch and meet local and state representatives. |
go/lngt101 - Intro Linguistics class web page Fall 2015 |
go/legoprinter - CSCI 1020 final project, J-term 2013 |
go/lngt250 - Shortcut to the LNGT 250: Morphology and Syntax class website for Spring 2015 |
go/lngtdinner - Link to Linguistics Dinner signup | |
go/lntconcert - concert fb event | |
go/lelabo - le labo fragrance site | |
go/lemongrab - UNACCEPTABLE | |
go/loanabike - Bike loaner form for library borrowing | |
go/Lending - ILL Lending Web pages |
go/loanerbike - Bike loaner form for library borrowing |
go/lending_web_pages - Link to ILLiad log-in screen for libraries wishing to borrow from Middlebury |
go/loaners - loaner setup & checklist |
go/loanperiods - Loan periods for library materials | |
go/lobster - Funny means different things to different people :-) | |
go/lens - Econ 275-Economic Lens |
go/lobsterdinner - Use this URL to RSVP; it should take you to a google form. Thank you. |
go/leo - LEO Deutsch-Englisches W�rterbuch |
go/lobsterman - cowboy mouth boxoffice |
go/leo_swainbank_sound - Leo's sound portfolio |
go/loc - Library of Congress catalog. |
go/les - Office Hours & Personal meetings for Louisa Stein, Film and Media Culture |
go/localcongregations - list of local faith communities |
go/localdining - Local dining options | |
go/lesliecrochet - PALANA housing portal 23/24 | |
go/lesprezi - prezi repository for Prof Stein's coursework | |
go/lessmeat - Sustainable Dining at Midd | |
go/lessmeatmonday - Find the results from the LessMeat Monday project from fall 2011 |
go/LocalLodging - Lodging and Dining options in Middlebury (Addison Cty Chamber of Commerce site) |
go/locally - This link goes directly to the GreenTown VT page, where students can learn more about what the service does for them, and how they can help. | |
go/localmouths - It's official: We have launched! Two raconteurs off on a wild food-venture across the USA to gather stories from YOUR backyards. Help us make it a reality and check out the most epic project idea to come out of Kickstarter yet. | |
go/let-the-chairlift-do-the-work - Alpine Ski Club |
go/localnoms - Dining Services Local |
go/letim - Le T I M | |
go/letimanintobrookerplease - to help iman get into brooker | |
go/letsbrainstorm - Google Doc to brainstorm close-by outdoors activities |
go/location - Listing of commonly used banner accounts and location codes for Check Requests |
go/lockedin - F23 Singles Pool tourney sign up sheet | |
go/letsgetfiredup - !!! |
go/lockers - carrel and locker info on wiki |
go/letsgetweird - MDC Spring 2017 Audition Schedule | |
go/letsgo - Let's Go a new movie by Telemark Skier Magazine. Thursday November 8th. Bi-Hall 220. 7:00 P.M. | |
go/letsgrowkids - Middlebury x Let's Grow Kids event sign up for December 5th 3-4pm |
go/lodgingoptions - Lodging and Dining options in Middlebury (Addison Cty Chamber of Commerce site) |
go/letstalk - A description of Let's Talk and its current schedule and locations | |
go/letterhead - Middlebury's official document templates | |
go/logic - Course website for Kareem Khalifa's PHIL0180 courses | |
go/login - Middlebury College Central Authentication Service | |
go/levels - Levels | |
go/logistics - Sight and Sound 2 crew logistics | |
go/logo - Made in the J-Term class "Programming for Novices" By Tiff Chang | |
go/logon - Middlebury College Central Authentication Service | |
go/lexis - Library - Lexis Nexis |
go/logout - Log Out of your current session. |
go/lexisnexis - Library - Lexis Nexis | |
go/lf - for golf |
go/logrolling - Middlebury Logrolling |
go/logs - Middlebury Logrolling | |
go/logsheet - Peer tutor group log sheet | |
go/lg-change - Request a change to the "Library Quick Search" widget on the Drupal webpage (at go/lib). |
go/logz - Middlebury Logrolling |
go/lg-help - Local documentation on creating LibGuides | |
go/lg-setup - Local documentation on creating LibGuides | |
go/lg-task - Monthly Libguides maintenance tasks |
go/lol - League of Legends Club Middlink |
go/lg-tasks - Monthly Libguides maintenance tasks |
go/lomein - magic wok chinese food |
go/lg-topic-forming - Leanne's topic forming and research starter for fyse | |
go/lonely - Tickets for A Woman Left Lonely! | |
go/lgbtguide - Library research guide for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer+ studies | |
go/lgbtq - LGBTQIA+ website | |
go/lgbtqdvds - List of LGBTQ-themed movies at the Davis Family Library | |
go/lgbtqfilms - List of LGBTQ-themed movies at the Davis Family Library | |
go/lgbtqguide - Library research guide for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer+ studies | |
go/lgbtqiaguide - Library research guide for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer+ studies | |
go/lgchange - Request a change to the "Library Quick Search" widget on the Drupal webpage (at go/lib). | |
go/lgcreative - Guidelines and eligibility rules for the Student Friends of the Art Museum student merchandise design competition | |
go/lgcvote - Vote for the 2022 student designed hoodie made in collaboration with the Middlebury Museum of Art and the Student Friends of the Art Museum (vote by March 4th, 2022) |
go/lost - Public Safety: Lost and Found |
go/lghelp - Local documentation on creating LibGuides | |
go/lostmac - Apple's "Find My Mac" Feature -- How to use it if your Mac is Lost or Stolen | |
go/lgsetup - Local documentation on creating LibGuides | |
go/lgtask - Monthly Libguides maintenance tasks | |
go/lgtasks - Monthly Libguides maintenance tasks | |
go/lotus - The Lotus Sutra. Saddhara-Pundarika or The Lotus of the True Law. | |
go/lgtopicforming - Leanne's topic forming and research starter for fyse |
go/louis - The official mascot of LaForce Hall |
go/louisa - Office Hours & Personal meetings for Louisa Stein, Film and Media Culture | |
go/louisas - Office Hours & Personal meetings for Louisa Stein, Film and Media Culture | |
go/liaisns - Library - Liaisons. List of liaisons by department. | |
go/liaison - Library - Liaisons. List of liaisons by department. | |
go/liaisonblog - Blog for LIS liaisons (login required) | |
go/liaisons - Library - Liaisons. List of liaisons by department. | |
go/liaisonsblog - Blog for LIS liaisons (login required) |
go/loveme - CATLOVE |
go/liam - 15 or 30 min meetings w AOD Ed Specialist | |
go/liampatty - Liam Patty |
go/lovingalumni - Not a Dollar More, If It Goes to War |
go/liasons - Library - Liaisons. List of liaisons by department. |
go/lovingday - Loving Day Atwater Dinner 2018! Celebrate Loving Day with Mixed Kids of Middlebury! |
go/lib - Library | |
go/lpd - Library resource: 90-day archive of full-color, full-page, scanned images of over 5000 publications from many countries in many languages. | |
go/lib-blog-training - Sample items for blog training 2019 |
go/lpdf - Long Range Professional Development Fund from the Dean of Faculty Development and Research |
go/lib-content-assign - Content assignment for library redesign |
go/lplib - Link to vinyl LPs at DFL, Local Call Number search strong LP* |
go/lplibrary - Link to vinyl LPs at DFL, Local Call Number search strong LP* | |
go/lib-covid - Library Response and updates to COVID-19 |
go/lr - CTLR Learning Resources |
go/lib-covid-response - Library Response and updates to COVID-19 | |
go/lib-file-naming - Guide to file naming in Library Google Drive |
go/lroeofficehours - Sign up for an office hours appointment with Prof. L'Roe. Available times updated weekly. |
go/lib-file-naming-guide - Guide to file naming in Library Google Drive |
go/lrworkshops - CTLR Learning Resources Workshops |
go/lib-impact - The Library is documenting the impact of reductions to the collections budget, including the loss of access to journals, databases, and print book purchasing. If you are struggling to gain access to a resource that you used to be able to reach easily, please share your experiences with us. |
go/ls - Middlebury College Language Schools |
go/lib-impact-form - The Library is documenting the impact of reductions to the collections budget, including the loss of access to journals, databases, and print book purchasing. If you are struggling to gain access to a resource that you used to be able to reach easily, please share your experiences with us. |
go/ls-faculty-jobs - Shortcut to summer Language Schools faculty jobs |
go/lib-instruct-canvas - Public link to the Canvas course for library instruction. |
go/ls-guest - Library - EDS - EBSCO Discovery Service- LibrarySearch (guest) |
go/lib-issue-form - Library website issue reporting form | |
go/lib-naming-conventions - Library web naming conventions | |
go/ls-miisguest - Library - LibrarySearch (guest) - MIIS | |
go/lib-response-covid - Library Response and updates to COVID-19 | |
go/lib-response-covid19 - Library Response and updates to COVID-19 | |
go/lib-sign-request - Request form for library signage | |
go/ls/chinese/apply - Information about applying to the Chinese School. | |
go/lib-ux - Sign up for library usability studies | |
go/lib/hours - Library - Hours | |
go/ls/frenchalum - 2-week French alumni course | |
go/lib4fac - Library resources for faculty page | |
go/lib4faculty - Library resources for faculty page | |
go/lib7ways - 7 ways to get to know the libraries | |
go/lib?bookorder - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. | |
go/lib?bookorders - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. | |
go/lib?filmorder - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. | |
go/lib?filmorders - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/ls/kress - Language Schools Kress Fellowship |
go/lib?findeverthing - Library - Summon single search. Provides a Google-like search experience, allowing researchers to use one search box to discover credible and reliable library content. | |
go/lib?hours - Library - Hours | |
go/lib?musicorder - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. | |
go/lib?musicorders - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. | |
go/lib?pp - Library - Preservation & Processing | |
go/lib?videoorder - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. | |
go/lib?videoorders - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/LS100years - Link for LS videos for AJW and PNO's letters |
go/lib_blog_training - Sample items for blog training 2019 |
go/ls2013 - Language School 2013 Viewbook |
go/lib_content_assign - Content assignment for library redesign |
go/ls2013viewbookQR - Language School 2013 View Book QR code |
go/lib_file_naming - Guide to file naming in Library Google Drive |
go/ls2014 - Language School 2014 Viewbook |
go/lib_file_naming_guide - Guide to file naming in Library Google Drive |
go/ls2014viewbookQR - Language School 2014 View Book QR code |
go/lib_sign_request - Request form for library signage | |
go/liban - Library - Online reference platform (Springhshare) | |
go/libanswers - Library - Online reference platform (Springhshare) |
go/ls?alumniemail - Language School - Alumni Preferred Email Address Form |
go/libarchitecture - Information about Davis Family Library's architecture and art on display. |
go/ls?alumniupdate - Language Schools - Alumni, Update Your Information Form |
go/libart - Information about Davis Family Library's architecture and art on display. | |
go/ls?arabic - Language Schools - Arabic | |
go/ls?arabic-cr - LS - Arabic - Curricular Resources | |
go/libblog - easier to remember shortcut to the LIS blog. |
go/ls?calendar - Language Schools - Calendar |
go/libblogtraining - Sample items for blog training 2019 |
go/ls?chinese - Language Schools - Chinese |
go/ls?chinese-cr - LS - Chinese - Curricular Resources | |
go/libby - Downloadable Audiobooks and e-Books |
go/ls?commencement - Language Schools - Commencement |
go/libcal - Library - LibApp-module. Integrated calendaring and event management platform. (Springshare) | |
go/libcal-test - Link to the LibApps page for library hours. | |
go/libcalctlr - CTLR LibCal for Tutoring and Advising Appointments and Events, Deadlines, and Tutoring Drop-In Calendars | |
go/ls?film - Language Schools - International Film Festival | |
go/libcalendar - Library - LibApp-module. Integrated calendaring and event management platform. (Springshare) | |
go/ls?french - Language Schools - French | |
go/libcardsort - Link to a the card sort for the library website redesign 2019 |
go/ls?french-cr - LS - French - Curricular Resources |
go/libchart - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) | |
go/libchat - Libanswers dashboard and refchat login page for librarians | |
go/libchrome - Instructions for librarians' shared Chromebooks. | |
go/ls?german - Language Schools - German | |
go/libconfidential - Reference Desk Manager (for LIS Librarians) Old: http://prairiedog.middlebury.edu/rdm/index.php |
go/ls?german-cr - LS - German - Curricular Resources |
go/libconnections-fall2020 - How to Help Students Connect with the Library, Fall 2020 | |
go/libconsult - Links to get to the "Schedule a consultation with a librarian" page for Middlebury (VT). | |
go/libconsultation - Links to get to the "Schedule a consultation with a librarian" page for Middlebury (VT). |
go/ls?gradlang - Language Schools - Graduate Programs |
go/libcontentassign - Content assignment for library redesign |
go/ls?graduation2005 - Language Schools - Graduation 2005 |
go/libcopyright - Useful ALA page with links to various copyright calculators |
go/ls?handbook - LS - Handbook |
go/libcovid - Library Response and updates to COVID-19 |
go/ls?handbookwiki - Wiki of the Language Schools handbook. |
go/libcovidresponse - Library Response and updates to COVID-19 |
go/ls?hebrew - Language Schools - School of Hebrew |
go/libcrm - Library - SpringShare LibCRM |
go/ls?italian - Language Schools - Italian |
go/ls?italian-cr - LS - Italian - Curricular Resources | |
go/libdonation - Gift policy for donations to the libraries | |
go/libdonations - Gift policy for donations to the libraries | |
go/libe - Library |
go/ls?japanese - Language Schools - Japanese |
go/libemergency - Link to Library Emergency Manuals |
go/ls?japanese-cr - LS - Japanese - Curricular Resources |
go/LibER - Link to Library Emergency Manuals | |
go/LiberationSeries - Zoom registration |
go/ls?portuguese - Language Schools - Portuguese |
go/ls?portuguese-cr - LS - Portuguese - Curricular Resources | |
go/ls?russian - Language Schools - Russian | |
go/ls?russian-cr - LS - Russian - Curricular Resources | |
go/libex - Library Experiences padlet for FYSE 1004, fall 2002 | |
go/libexfirstyear - Library Experiences padlet for FYSE 1004, fall 2002 | |
go/libexhibits - Exhibitions in the Library |
go/ls?spanish - Language Schools - Spanish |
go/libfaculty - Library resources for faculty page |
go/ls?spanish-cr - LS - Spanish - Curricular Resources |
go/libfeedback - Library - Feedback form | |
go/libfilenaming - Guide to file naming in Library Google Drive | |
go/libfilenamingguide - Guide to file naming in Library Google Drive | |
go/libgift - Gift policy for donations to the libraries | |
go/LS_SAHonorRoll - Donor Honor Roll for Language Schools and Schools Abroad | |
go/lsarchive - A selection of materials relating to Middlebury's Summer Language School programs, which began in 1915. | |
go/libgifts - Gift policy for donations to the libraries |
go/lsarchives - A selection of materials relating to Middlebury's Summer Language School programs, which began in 1915. |
go/libgoalfirstyear - Library goals padlet for FYSE 1004, fall 2002 |
go/lsbulletins - A selection of materials relating to Middlebury's Summer Language School programs, which began in 1915. |
go/LSCareerAppt - CCI Language Schools Appt Drupal Form | |
go/libgrouproom - Book a group study room at Davis Family Library |
go/lscareers - Language Schools Summer 2020 page |
go/libgrouprooms - Book a group study room at Davis Family Library |
go/lscatalog - Language Schools course catalog |
go/libgroupstudies - Book a group study room at Davis Family Library |
go/LSCommencement2013 - SmugMug slideshow to 2013 LS Commencement photos by May Mantell |
go/libgroupstudy - Book a group study room at Davis Family Library | |
go/libgroupview - Book a Video Viewing Room at the Davis Family Library | |
go/libgroupviewing - Book a Video Viewing Room at the Davis Family Library | |
go/libguide-quicksearch-changes - Request a change to the "Library Quick Search" widget on the Drupal webpage (at go/lib). | |
go/libguidechange - Request a change to the "Library Quick Search" widget on the Drupal webpage (at go/lib). | |
go/libguidefyse1025 - Library guide for FYSE 1025. Chance | |
go/libguideILL - Library guide for Interlibrary loan (ILL) |
go/lsf19ar - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, Arabic School. |
go/libguidequicksearchchange - Request a change to the "Library Quick Search" widget on the Drupal webpage (at go/lib). |
go/lsf19ar. - Version of Arabic Go link with period at end, in case people read the reply card and think the URL includes the sentence-ending period...! |
go/libguides - Library - Subject Guides |
go/lsf19ch - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, Chinese School. |
go/libguides-help - Local documentation on creating LibGuides |
go/lsf19ch. - Version of Chinese Go link with period at end (insurance). |
go/libguides-task - Monthly Libguides maintenance tasks |
go/lsf19E1 - LS Fall Appeal Email #1 |
go/libguides-tasks - Monthly Libguides maintenance tasks |
go/lsf19E2 - LS Fall Appeal Email #2 |
go/libguideschange - Request a change to the "Library Quick Search" widget on the Drupal webpage (at go/lib). |
go/lsf19E3 - LS Fall Appeal Email #3 |
go/libguideshelp - Local documentation on creating LibGuides |
go/lsf19E4 - LS Fall Appeal Email #4 |
go/libguidesquicksearchchange - Request a change to the "Library Quick Search" widget on the Drupal webpage (at go/lib). |
go/lsf19E5 - LS Fall Appeal Email #5 |
go/libguidestask - Monthly Libguides maintenance tasks |
go/lsf19E6 - LS Fall Appeal Email #6 |
go/libguidestasks - Monthly Libguides maintenance tasks |
go/lsf19E7 - LS Fall Appeal Email #7 |
go/lsf19E8 - LS Fall Appeal Email #8 | |
go/libhours - A listing of the Library's regular academic year hours and the exceptions to normal hours |
go/lsf19fr - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, French School. |
go/lsf19fr. - Version of French Go link with period at end (insurance). | |
go/lsf19ge - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, German School. | |
go/lsf19ge. - Version of German Go link with period at end (insurance). | |
go/lsf19he - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, School of Hebrew. | |
go/lsf19he. - Version of Hebrew Go link with period at end (insurance). | |
go/lsf19it - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, Italian School. | |
go/lsf19it. - Version of Italian Go link with period at end (insurance). | |
go/libimpact - The Library is documenting the impact of reductions to the collections budget, including the loss of access to journals, databases, and print book purchasing. If you are struggling to gain access to a resource that you used to be able to reach easily, please share your experiences with us. |
go/lsf19ja - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, School of Japanese. |
go/libimpactform - The Library is documenting the impact of reductions to the collections budget, including the loss of access to journals, databases, and print book purchasing. If you are struggling to gain access to a resource that you used to be able to reach easily, please share your experiences with us. |
go/lsf19ja. - Version of Japanese Go link with period at end (insurance). |
go/libinfo - Information about Davis Family Library's architecture and art on display. |
go/lsf19ol - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, Overlaps (multiple schools) |
go/lsf19ol. - Version of LS Overlap Go link with period at end (insurance). | |
go/libinstruction - Library workshop planning and ideas |
go/lsf19po - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, Portuguese School. |
go/libinstruction-assignments - Research & Writing Assignments: How Librarians Can Help |
go/lsf19po. - Version of Portuguese Go link with period at end (insurance). |
go/libjobboard - Library job board during the COVID business. |
go/lsf19ru - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, School of Russian. |
go/lsf19ru. - Version of Russian Go link with period at end (insurance). | |
go/lsf19so1 - LS Fall Appeal Social Post #1 | |
go/liblocations - Locations and descriptions of Middlebury libraries |
go/lsf19so10 - LS Fall Campaign Social Post #10 |
go/liblp - Link to vinyl LPs at DFL, Local Call Number search strong LP* |
go/lsf19so11 - LS Fall Campaign Social Post #11 |
go/liblps - Link to vinyl LPs at DFL, Local Call Number search strong LP* |
go/lsf19so12 - LS Fall Campaign Social Post #12 |
go/libmap - Floor plans for the Davis Family Library |
go/lsf19so13 - LS Fall Campaign Social Post #13 |
go/libmaps - Floor plans for the Davis Family Library |
go/lsf19so2 - LS Fall Appeal Social Post #2 |
go/lsf19so3 - LS Fall Appeal Social Post #3 | |
go/lsf19so4 - LS Fall Appeal Social Post #4 | |
go/lsf19so5 - LS Fall Appeal Social Post #5 | |
go/libmigrationguide - LibGuide for the new Primo library discovery system |
go/lsf19so6 - LS Fall Appeal Social Post #6 |
go/libmigrationnews - Library News blog post regarding the migration to ExLibris Primo |
go/lsf19so7 - LS Fall Appeal Social Post #7 |
go/libnamingconventions - Library web naming conventions |
go/lsf19so8 - LS Fall Campaign Social Post #8 |
go/libnewfac - Library Handout: FAQ for new faculty |
go/lsf19so9 - LS Fall Campaign Social Post #9 |
go/libnewfaculty - Library Handout: FAQ for new faculty |
go/lsf19sp - LS Fall Appeal Letter giving link, School of Spanish. |
go/lsf19sp. - Version of Spanish Go link with period at end (insurance). | |
go/lsf19ub - LS Fall Appeal Ugly Duckling statement mailer. | |
go/lsf19web - LS iMods Banner link | |
go/libonlyfaq - Link to Library-Only FAQ for COVID-19 |
go/lsf20ar - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - Arabic |
go/liborg - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) |
go/lsf20ch - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - Chinese |
go/liborgchart - Library organizational chart. |
go/lsf20E1 - Fall FY20 LS Email #1 Online Giving Link |
go/libpoll - currently pollev for lib classes; hold for future |
go/lsf20E2 - Fall FY20 LS Email #2 Online Giving Link |
go/libpolls - currently pollev for lib classes; hold for future |
go/lsf20E3 - Fall FY20 LS Email #3 Online Giving Link |
go/libprivacy - Library privacy policies |
go/lsf20E4 - Fall FY20 LS Email #4 Online Giving Link |
go/libq - What does a librarian do? |
go/lsf20fr - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - French |
go/libquickguide - General Library Research Guide for First Year Seminars |
go/lsf20ge - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - German |
go/librarian - Librarian Ask Us page (all the ways to contact a librarian) |
go/lsf20he - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - Hebrew |
go/librarianchat - Library Research Services "Ask Us" Page (Chat or email a Midd librarian. Also, hours and contact information.) |
go/lsf20it - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - Italian |
go/librarianconfidential - Reference Desk Manager (for LIS Librarians) Old: http://prairiedog.middlebury.edu/rdm/index.php |
go/lsf20ja - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - Japanese |
go/librarianconsultation - Links to get to the "Schedule a consultation with a librarian" page for Middlebury (VT). |
go/lsf20ko - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - Korean |
go/librarianisin - This link leads to all of the library material critical reviews written by Literatures and Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer and published in The Campus. |
go/lsf20ml - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - Overlaps (multiple language schools) |
go/librarians - Librarian Profiles |
go/lsf20po - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - Portuguese |
go/librarianschrome - Instructions for librarians' shared Chromebooks. |
go/lsf20ru - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - Russian |
go/librarianschromebooks - Instructions for librarians' shared Chromebooks. |
go/lsf20sp - LS Fall FY20 - appeal letter giving link - Spanish |
go/libraries - Library |
go/lsf21 - Language Schools FY21 Fall Appeal Letter - Online Giving Link |
go/lsf21E1 - Language Schools FY21 Fall Email #1 - Online Giving Link | |
go/library - Library |
go/lsf21E2 - Giving Link - FY21 Fall LS Email #2 |
go/library+hours - A listing of the Library's regular academic year hours and the exceptions to normal hours |
go/lsf21E3 - Giving Link - FY21 Fall LS Email #3 |
go/lsf21E4 - Giving Link - FY21 Fall LS Email #4 | |
go/library-impact-form - The Library is documenting the impact of reductions to the collections budget, including the loss of access to journals, databases, and print book purchasing. If you are struggling to gain access to a resource that you used to be able to reach easily, please share your experiences with us. |
go/lsf21um - LS FY21 Fall Utility Mailer - Online giving link |
go/lsf22 - Online giving link - Language Schools FY22 Fall appeal letter. | |
go/library-instruction-canvas - Public link to the Canvas course for library instruction. |
go/lsf22E1 - Online giving link - LS FY22 Fall Email #1 |
go/library-mews - Library series featuring staff cats |
go/lsf22E2 - Online giving link - LS FY22 Fall Email #2 |
go/lsf22E3 - Online giving link - LS FY22 Fall Email #3 | |
go/library-privacy - Library privacy policies |
go/lsf22E4 - Online giving link - LS FY22 Fall Email #4 |
go/library-response-covid19 - Library Response and updates to COVID-19 |
go/lsf22E5 - Online giving link - LS FY22 Fall Email #5 |
go/library-search - Library - Primo LibrarySearch (formerly EBSCO Discovery Service) |
go/lsf22um - Online giving link - Language Schools FY22 Fall Utility mailer. |
go/library-sign-request - Request form for library signage |
go/lsf23 - Language Schools Online Giving Link - Fall FY23 Appeal Letter |
go/library-site-feedback - Library - website feedback form. |
go/lsf23E1 - Language Schools Fall FY23 - Email Appeal #1 |
go/library24/7 - SGA Google survey for student sentiments and data of library 24/7 hours during finals week |
go/lsf23E2 - Language Schools Fall FY23 - Email Appeal #2 |
go/library4faculty - Library resources for faculty page |
go/lsf23E3 - Language Schools Fall FY23 - Email Appeal #3 |
go/library7ways - 7 ways to get to know the libraries |
go/lsf23E4 - Language Schools Fall FY23 - Email Appeal #4 |
go/library?bookorder - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/lsf23E5 - Language Schools Fall FY23 - Email Appeal #5 |
go/library?bookorders - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/lsf23um - Language Schools Online Giving Link - Fall FY23 Utility Mailer Appeal |
go/library?chart - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) |
go/lsf24 - LS FY24 print appeal - go link for giving |
go/library?filmorder - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/lsf24em - LS FY24 CYE Email appeals - go link for giving' |
go/library?filmorders - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/lsf24um - LS FY24 CYE Utility Mailer appeal - go link for giving |
go/library?findeverthing - Library - Summon single search. Provides a Google-like search experience, allowing researchers to use one search box to discover credible and reliable library content. |
go/lsf25 - LS FY25 Fall Appeal Letter - online giving link |
go/library?hours - Library - Hours |
go/lsfa20um - LS Utility Mailer - FY20 Fall - online giving link |
go/library?musicorder - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/LSFacultyArrival - Web form for arriving Language School Faculty |
go/library?musicorders - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/lsfo - Language School faculty orientation materials. |
go/library?org - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) |
go/lsgrad - Language Schools graduate program information |
go/library?orgchart - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) | |
go/library?pp - Library - Preservation & Processing | |
go/library?videoorder - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/lsguide - This link leads to the Language Schools' library orientation guide. |
go/library?videoorders - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/lshandbook - Language Schools Student Handbook - Middlebury campus |
go/library_sign_request - Request form for library signage |
go/lshandbookmidd - Language Schools Student Handbook - Middlebury campus |
go/libraryanswers - Library - Online reference platform (Springhshare) |
go/lshandbookmills - Language Schools handbook - Mills campus |
go/librarybigdeal - LibGuide to the spring 2020 Library "big deal" conversations | |
go/librarybigdeals - LibGuide to the spring 2020 Library "big deal" conversations | |
go/lslib4fac - Library advice for Language Schools faculty and staff | |
go/librarycalendar - Library - LibApp-module. Integrated calendaring and event management platform. (Springshare) |
go/lslib4faculty - Library advice for Language Schools faculty and staff |
go/lslibforfaculty - Library advice for Language Schools faculty and staff | |
go/librarycarrels - carrel and locker info on wiki |
go/lslibguide - This link leads to the Language Schools' library orientation guide. |
go/librarycatalogmigration - Basecamp project management platform for the 2018 Library Sierra migration |
go/lslibguide4fac - Library advice for Language Schools faculty and staff |
go/librarychart - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) |
go/lslibguideforfac - Library advice for Language Schools faculty and staff |
go/librarychat - Library Research Services "Ask Us" Page (Chat or email a Midd librarian. Also, hours and contact information.) |
go/lslibguideforfaculty - Library advice for Language Schools faculty and staff |
go/libraryconference - LIS Travel Approval form |
go/lslibinstruction - This site allows Language School affiliates to sign up for both library orientations and an introduction to Zotero. |
go/librarydatabases - Library - Databases A-Z. A list of subscription databases. Additional note: Access via this list also provides EZProxy authentication for off-campus access for current Middlebury students, faculty, staff. | |
go/librarydonation - Gift policy for donations to the libraries | |
go/librarydonationpolicy - Gift policy for donations to the libraries | |
go/librarydonationspolicy - Gift policy for donations to the libraries |
go/lslibraryguide - This link leads to the Language Schools' library orientation guide. |
go/libraryer - Link to Library Emergency Manuals | |
go/libraryfaq - How to find books, articles, and more. | |
go/libraryfeedback - Library - Feedback form | |
go/librarygift - Gifts to the Library Policy documentation page | |
go/lslibworkshop - This site allows Language School affiliates to sign up for both library orientations and an introduction to Zotero. | |
go/lslibworkshops - This site allows Language School affiliates to sign up for both library orientations and an introduction to Zotero. | |
go/librarygiftpolicy - Gift policy for donations to the libraries | |
go/librarygiftspolicy - Gift policy for donations to the libraries |
go/lsmiis - EBSCO discovery service - MIIS instance - redirected to Primo |
go/lsmiisguest - Library - LibrarySearch (guest) - MIIS | |
go/libraryhours - A listing of the Library's regular academic year hours and the exceptions to normal hours |
go/LSOnline - Language Schools link to Online Community |
go/libraryhourspoll - a qualtrics poll about library hours |
go/LSPA-Fac - Middlebury Language Schools Pre-Arrival Page - for Staff & Faculty |
go/libraryhourssurvey - a qualtrics poll about library hours |
go/LSPA-FS - Middlebury Language Schools Pre-Arrival Page - for Staff & Faculty |
go/libraryimpactform - The Library is documenting the impact of reductions to the collections budget, including the loss of access to journals, databases, and print book purchasing. If you are struggling to gain access to a resource that you used to be able to reach easily, please share your experiences with us. |
go/LSPA-Staff - Middlebury Language Schools Pre-Arrival Page - for Staff & Faculty |
go/libraryjobs - Link to info for students about work opportunities at our libraries. |
go/LSPA-Stu - Middlebury Language Schools Pre-Arrival Page -- for students |
go/lsposter - Used for 2012 LS Poster - Life Doesn't Come with Subtitles | |
go/lspp - Language Studies for Professional Purposes (LSPP) Specialization documents | |
go/librarylockers - carrel and locker info on wiki | |
go/librarylps - Link to vinyl LPs at DFL, Local Call Number search strong LP* |
go/lsrecommendation - Link to recommendation form for the Language Schools. |
go/librarymap - Floor plans for the Davis Family Library |
go/lsreserves - LS reserves, Summer 2024 |
go/librarymasterplan - The final Library Master Plan will be available here soon. |
go/lss19E1 - FY19 LS Spring Appeal - Email 1 |
go/lss19E2 - FY19 LS Spring Appeal - Email 2 | |
go/librarymews - Library series featuring staff cats |
go/lss19E3 - FY19 LS Spring Appeal - Email 3 |
go/librarymewsform - Library Mews submission form |
go/lss19E4 - FY19 LS Spring Appeal - Email 4 |
go/librarymiddleburyinstitute - MIIS library home page |
go/lss19ja - Online giving link for FY19 Spring Email - School of Japanese 50th Anniversary Fund |
go/lss19web - FY19 LS Spring Appeal - iMods Web banner link. | |
go/librarymigrationguide - LibGuide for the new Primo library discovery system |
go/lss21 - LS FY21 Spring appeal letter - online giving link |
go/librarymigrationnews - Library News blog post regarding the migration to ExLibris Primo |
go/lss21E1 - LS FY21 Spring Appeal - Email #1 |
go/librarymiis - MIIS library home page |
go/lss21E2 - LS FY21 Spring Appeal - Email #2 |
go/librarymural - A description of the Mullican mural in Davis Lib |
go/lss21E3 - LS FY21 Spring appeal - Email #3 |
go/librarynaming - 5/6 Library Naming Ceremony event website |
go/lss21E4 - LS FY21 Spring appeal - Email #4 |
go/librarynewfac - Library Handout: FAQ for new faculty |
go/lss21E5 - LS FY21 Spring appeal - Email #5 |
go/librarynewfaculty - Library Handout: FAQ for new faculty |
go/lss21um - LS FY21 Spring Utility Mailer - online giving link. |
go/lss22 - LS FY22 - spring appeal letter online giving link | |
go/lss22E1 - LS FY22 Spring Email 1 - online giving link | |
go/lss22E2 - LS FY22 Spring Email 2 - online giving link | |
go/libraryorg - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) |
go/lss22E3 - LS FY22 Spring Email 3 - online giving link |
go/libraryorgchart - Current Library Org Chart (google slide) |
go/lss22E4 - LS FY22 Spring Email 4 - online giving link |
go/librarypage - COVID-19 library book paging instructions |
go/lss22um - LS FY22 - spring utility mailer, online giving link |
go/librarypaging - COVID-19 library book paging instructions |
go/lss23 - LS Spring Appeal Letter - online link |
go/lss23em - LS Spring FY23 Email Appeals | |
go/libraryqs - Library - Handout for library instruction sessions. For the quickstart LibGuide, see: go/quicklib |
go/lss23um - LS Spring Utility Mailer - online link |
go/lss24 - LS FY24 Spring appeal letter - online giving link | |
go/libraryreflect - Library Workshop Reflection |
go/lss24em - LS FY24 Spring email appeals - online giving link |
go/libraryreserves - Library Reserves homepage |
go/lss24um - LS FY24 Spring utility mailer - online giving link |
go/librarysearch - Library - Primo LibrarySearch (formerly EBSCO Discovery Service) |
go/lssa19 - Online giving shortcut for LS spring appeal letter FY19. |
go/librarysearch-guest - Library - EDS - EBSCO Discovery Service- LibrarySearch (guest) |
go/lssa19um - FY19 Spring utility mailer for LS -- online giving link. |
go/librarysearch-miisguest - Library - LibrarySearch (guest) - MIIS |
go/LSseasongreetings2015 - Season's Greetings Screensavers LS |
go/librarysearch-old - Library - EDS - old LibrarySearch |
go/lsseasonsgreetings2015 - Season's Greetings Screensavers LS |
go/librarysearch-quickref - LibrarySearch Quick Reference | |
go/lssoccer - Language Schools Soccer League 2011 | |
go/librarysearchguest - Library - EDS - EBSCO Discovery Service- LibrarySearch (guest) |
go/lstein - Professor Louisa Stein's Wordpress blog |
go/librarysearchmiisguest - Library - LibrarySearch (guest) - MIIS |
go/lstest - LS Testing Site |
go/librarysearchproblem - Form to fill in when reporting problems with LibrarySearch |
go/lsupdate - LS to update information |
go/lsvaxup - Vaccine Upload Location (non-undergrad) | |
go/librarysearchquickref - LibrarySearch Quick Reference | |
go/librarysearchquickreference - LibrarySearch Quick Reference |
go/ltc - Placeholder... |
go/librarysearchtest - TEST EDS instance https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?custid=s8864408&groupid=test&profid=eds&authtype=ip,uid |
go/LTfeedback - Language Tables Feedback Form |
go/LibrarySeats - Library - seat reservation system LibCal Seats | |
go/librarysevenways - 7 ways to get to know the libraries | |
go/librarysierraproject - Basecamp project management platform for the 2018 Library Sierra migration | |
go/librarysignrequest - Request form for library signage | |
go/librarysitefeedback - Library - website feedback form. |
go/ltjterm - Signup link to the Jterm 2020 waiter application for Language Tables. |
go/libraryspace - library space surveys |
go/LTmenu - Language Tables menu - English for the public |
go/libraryspaceplanning - Link to send a message to the Library Space Master Plan Team | |
go/librarysuggestions - Library - Feedback form |
go/LTwaitlist - Language Tables Application forms |
go/librarytravel - LIS Travel Approval form | |
go/librarytutorials - Library video tutorials |
go/luaay - luaay was here |
go/libraryupdates - link to the library updates for covid19 | |
go/lucas - bio of lucas avidan '15 | |
go/libraryvideos - A collection of video tutorials on subjects related to research and the library, for use in classes or in life more broadly. |
go/lucasdulitzky - Lucas Dulitzky Gilman's Instagram account. |
go/libraryvideotutorials - A collection of video tutorials on subjects related to research and the library, for use in classes or in life more broadly. | |
go/libraryvids - A collection of video tutorials on subjects related to research and the library, for use in classes or in life more broadly. |
go/lucasisgoneandwemisshim - Lucas's Birthday love letter |
go/librarywebsitefeedback - Library - website feedback form. | |
go/librarywork - Link to student jobs at the Middlebury College Library. |
go/luce - CTLR Fellowships Luce Scholars Program Information |
go/libraryworkshop - Library workshop planning and ideas |
go/lucky - ross vegas |
go/libraryworkshops - Library workshop planning and ideas |
go/lucy - uh oh |
go/libreflect - Library Workshop Reflection | |
go/libreflection - Library Workshop Reflection | |
go/libreoffice - A free alternative to Microsoft Office. | |
go/libreopening - Library Return to Work documentation |
go/luke - Luke Brown for SGA President! |
go/libres - Library Reserves homepage | |
go/libresearchprocess - Library Research Process Worksheet | |
go/libresponsecovid - Library Response and updates to COVID-19 | |
go/libreturntowork - Library Return to Work documentation | |
go/lullaby - Please don't worry | |
go/librooms - Book a group study room at Davis Family Library | |
go/libsearch - Library - Primo LibrarySearch (formerly EBSCO Discovery Service) | |
go/libsearch-guest - Library - EDS - EBSCO Discovery Service- LibrarySearch (guest) | |
go/libsearch-miis - EBSCO discovery service - MIIS instance - redirected to Primo | |
go/libsearch-quickref - LibrarySearch Quick Reference | |
go/libsearchmiis - EBSCO discovery service - MIIS instance - redirected to Primo | |
go/libsearchmiisguest - Library - LibrarySearch (guest) - MIIS |
go/lunchtalks - RSVP for Privilege & Poverty Academic Cluster monthly lunch discussions here! |
go/libsearchquickref - LibrarySearch Quick Reference |
go/lunchwithideal - Lunch signup form |
go/libsearchquickreference - LibrarySearch Quick Reference | |
go/LibSeats - Library - seat reservation system LibCal Seats |
go/lusophonestudiesguide - Library research guide for Portuguese |
go/libsevenways - 7 ways to get to know the libraries |
go/luxe - Middlebury Libraries User Experience Group |
go/libsignrequest - Request form for library signage |
go/luxe-register - sign up for LUXE events with LibCal |
go/libsignup - February/March 2016 feedback sessions on lib website | |
go/libsitefeedback - Library - website feedback form. |
go/luxeregister - sign up for LUXE events with LibCal |
go/libslide - slides for library orientation | |
go/libslides - slides for library orientation |
go/lwa - Listen Witness Amplify Social Justice Program Forms |
go/libspace - library space surveys |
go/lwa1 - Listen Witness Amplify - The Children's March |
go/libstaff - Library staff directory |
go/lwa2 - Listen Witness Amplify - I am from poem |
go/libsuggestions - Library - Feedback form |
go/lwyft - large white yak from tibet |
go/libsupport-assignments - Research & Writing Assignments: How Librarians Can Help |
go/lyb - LYB Pledge |
go/libsurvey - "Tell Us About You!" for lib webiste survey | |
go/libtravel - LIS Travel Approval form | |
go/libtutorial-cite - Learn why we cite sources in this quick self-guided lesson from the library. | |
go/libtutorial-citing - Learn why we cite sources in this quick self-guided lesson from the library. |