GO needs your help! Find out how you can help by logging in to our self-service shortcut creation interface!
You can also view this list, sorted by the destination
go/flexfund - Quick link to the Service Cluster Board (SCB) Flex Fund application. | |
go/f11ital101 - Italian 101 page for Fall 2011 |
go/flexfundforum - For Flex Fund Reviewers only |
go/f20com - Online giving link for FY20 fall Communique AG ad. |
go/Flicker - Interdisciplinary student arts showcase! |
go/flicker30 - FLICKER FOR JANUARY 30TH | |
go/flicker7 - Flicker on Nov 7th 2014 at 7pm. | |
go/fa - Faculty Accomplishments |
go/flickrwall - Link to guidelines document for updating photos in Flickr for the Athletic History Wall |
go/fablab - fablab |
go/flickrwall-reports - Reports on images synced to the History Wall. |
go/flies - my way of getting to net storage without having to type net storage | |
go/flighthome - This is my request for funding for the December break. | |
go/faccrf - Instructor dashboard for online course response forms | |
go/faccrf/ - Instructor dashboard for online course response forms | |
go/facdev - Shortcut to faculty programming page for CTLR | |
go/flippable - Get involved with Swing Left Midd! | |
go/face - cs453 final project |
go/flippant - Are you tired of functional clothing? We have the answer |
go/flipped - Flipped Classroom community of practice space | |
go/facebook1963 - Class of 1963 Facebook page | |
go/facebook1972 - Class of '72 facebook page | |
go/facebook1975 - Class of 1975 Facebook page |
go/facebookmcrc - Middlebury Men's Rugby Facebook Fanpage |
go/flock - Proctor crushes for everyone! |
go/facebookmenrugby - Middlebury Men's Rugby Facebook Fanpage | |
go/facebookmensrugby - Middlebury Men's Rugby Facebook Fanpage |
go/flockapparel - The Solution to Evolution |
go/facebookrugby - Middlebury Men's Rugby Facebook Fanpage |
go/flockme - The Solution to Evolution |
go/facebookrugbymen - Middlebury Men's Rugby Facebook Fanpage |
go/flockon - The Solution to Evolution |
go/facebookrugbymens - Middlebury Men's Rugby Facebook Fanpage |
go/flood - ES 401 Videos of Addison County Flooding |
go/FaceDebate - Debatable Magazine's issue on Facebook. Take a look! | |
go/faces - Class photo roster (for faculty) | |
go/fachousing - Faculty Housing Database | |
go/facilitate - Facilitating Social Change App |
go/flowermoon - Killers of the Flower Moon screening signup |
go/facilitatejt - JusTalks Application for J-Term 2019 |
go/flows - current river levels in Vermont. |
go/flt - CTLR information on foreign language peer tutors. | |
go/facilities - Facilities Services | |
go/facility - Facilties Services |
go/fltutor - CTLR information for Foreign Language Peer Tutors. |
go/facility?deliver - Facilities Services - Delivery Request To request delivery of an item from point A to B. Generally related to an event setup. | |
go/facility?paper - Facilities Services - Copier/Fax Paper Request Form | |
go/facility?service - Facilities Services - Service Request Form |
go/flushedaway - FYC Raymond Diaz's Social-Movie Night 10/09/2020 |
go/facility?vehicles - Facilities Services - Vehicle Rental Request Form | |
go/facsearch - Landing page for faculty position listings | |
go/fact - Vote for your favorite 1g2grgbg BJ Ice Cream! |
go/flying - Link to aviation interest club. |
go/factbook - Data About Middlebury | |
go/factcheck - The Library's Internet News, Fact-Checking, and Critical Thinking Guide | |
go/factechmodules - shortcut to homepage of the DLINQ Faculty Technology Orientation modules | |
go/faculty - CTLR Campuswide Faculty Teaching Resources, Development and and Funding Opportunities |
go/flyingwords - The Flying Words Project |
go/flyingwordsproject - The Flying Words Project | |
go/flyingwordzz - The Flying Words Project | |
go/faculty-jobs - Middlebury College Faculty Employment Opportunities |
go/flymetothemoon - MSoE 2016, Understanding Place Toolkit |
go/faculty-leave-moving - Link to faculty leave moving policy | |
go/flyplanes - Link to aviation interest club. | |
go/faculty180 - Link to the faculty 180 portfolio system | |
go/faculty180info - Link to Faculty 180 support page | |
go/fma - F | |
go/fmc - Film & Media Culture Department | |
go/fmmc - Film & Media Culture Department | |
go/facultybulletin - A source for the latest information from Middlebury's academic administrators |
go/fmmc0267 - Syllabus for Gender/Sexuality/Media Fall 2018 |
go/fmmc104 - Television and American Culture Course Site Spring 2015 | |
go/fmmc2020 - Film & Media Culture senior work screening for 2020 | |
go/fmmc267 - Syllabus for Gender/Sexuality/Media Fall 2018 | |
go/fmmc279 - FMMC 279 Film & Literature Eres | |
go/facultydivestment - A video of 18 Middlebury professors supportive of divesting our endowment from fossil fuels and arms manufacturers. |
go/fmmc431 - FMMC 431 History of Audiences Fall 2010 Course Site |
go/facultyelectionresources - Election resources for faculty |
go/fmmcguide - Film & Media Culture Research Guide |
go/facultyforward - A video of 18 Middlebury professors supportive of divesting our endowment from fossil fuels and arms manufacturers. |
go/fmmcseniorproject - The Film and Media Culture Department presents Senior Projects for 2022. |
go/facultyfunding - CTLR list of campus-wide faculty and staff academic development funding |
go/fmmcseniors - Senior Screening for Film & Media Culture |
go/facultyhandbook - link to the faculty handbook in its new location (as of September 2017) |
go/fmp - Filemaker Pro |
go/fmp?iwp - Filemaker Pro - Instant Web Publishing Home | |
go/fmreg - First@Midd pre-orientation registration | |
go/facultymeeting - Link to Faculty Meeting schedule |
go/fmrll - FMyRussianLiteratureLife |
go/facultymeetings - Link to Faculty Meeting schedule | |
go/facultyorate - Faculty Evaluation for Oratory workshops and coaching | |
go/facultyresources - CTLR Campuswide Faculty Teaching Resources, Development and and Funding Opportunities |
go/fnis - Foreign National Information System for tax forms |
go/fntr - How to file a non-resident alien tax return | |
go/facultysearch - Landing page for faculty position listings | |
go/facultystaffgreendot - Sign up form - Green Dot Overview for faculty, staff, and sometimes students | |
go/foa - Information about becoming a member of the Friends of the Art Museum | |
go/facultystories - In our Faculty Stories video series, we invite you to meet some of the remarkable people who make up our faculty, and to learn about the diverse paths that led them to Middlebury. Watch the videos here. | |
go/fob - foundations of british literature spring 2015 marion wells | |
go/focusgroup - social life focus groups | |
go/facultyvideo - CA Faulty Support Videos |
go/focustickets - Reserve tickets for Focus |
go/facultyvoices - CA faculty stories page on sandcat |
go/fog - Form for geography majors to submit a bio |
go/fadetoblack - Event Information for Fade to Black 2012. | |
go/folger - RV Folger calendar | |
go/fahMIDD - Another go-link to my campaign for Feb Senator | |
go/fahmidformidd - This go-link takes viewers to my campaign for Feb Senator | |
go/folk - FYSE 1511A Folk Fairy Tales of the World | |
go/folkfairy - FYSE 1511A Folk Fairy Tales of the World | |
go/followfiasco - Fiasco Food & Drink Mailing list | |
go/followme - How to Print to Public Printers on Middlebury College Main Campus | |
go/folly - talley's folly tickets | |
go/foo - February Outdoor Orientation | |
go/fairuse - Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines from the Middlebury College Website. |
go/food - Dining Hall Menus |
go/foodcal - Dining services calendar | |
go/fakenews - Fake News web app is the final project for CS312 - Software Development | |
go/foodchoice - Link to Middlebury Food Choice Survey (Fall '16) | |
go/foodcommittee2022 - google form to join the food committee 2022 | |
go/foodfeedback - This is a google form where people can write questions/feedback about the Middlebury food insecurity resource guide. | |
go/foodie - MiddFoodie application for viewing the dining hall menus! | |
go/foodinsecurity - Rohatyn Center Conference on Food Insecurity, March 2016 | |
go/foodit - RSVP link for Italian Club last Buona Forchetta event. | |
go/foodpoisoning - In honor of the Great "Gastroenteritis" Outbreak of 2012. | |
go/fallcomp - climbing club fall comp |
go/foodresource - Food resource guide for Middlebury students experiencing food insecurity |
go/fallconference - Registration for Midd-IV fall conference 2013. |
go/foodresources - Food resource guide for Middlebury students experiencing food insecurity |
go/fallfacultyproposal - Proposal form for the fall faculty symposium |
go/foodsignup - sign up for food lcub workshops |
go/foodst - Homepage for the Food Studies Department | |
go/fallfaq - Quick link to Middlebury's Fall 2020 guidelines / FAQ page. |
go/foodstories2012 - class pages for literary feasts |
go/FallForum2022 - Information Page for MIIS Fall Forum 2022 | |
go/FallLetter - Annual Giving Fall Solicitation- post 50th | |
go/fallorientation23 - This links to the orientation schedule for fall 2023. |
go/foodsymp - Cultivating Food Literacy Symposium, October 5, 2013 |
go/fallretreat - Join other students from Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts to connect with nature, with others, & with God. It will be a fun getaway in the fall where we will look at scripture, hear inspiring talks, worship, and have a great time playing outdoors (canoeing, sports, a bonfire, and more!) and indoors (games, hot chocolate, apple cider and more!). Hope you can join us! | |
go/foodtrucks - Take this survey if you want food trucks at Middlebury? | |
go/fallss21 - Sight and Sound 1 Fall 2021 Blog for Finished Film Projects | |
go/foodworks - FoodWorks summer leadership program | |
go/foodworkshop - Sign ups to join a workshop with Food Club | |
go/FAM - Feminist Action at Middlebury | |
go/famewait - Athletics Hall of Fame Waiting List |
go/football - Men's Football |
go/families - link new P'25 families to the student life webpage |
go/footex - This is a link to the sports medicine squat screen google drive where you can access foot and ankle specific exercises for mobility and strengthening. |
go/footprint - Tips to reduce your carbon footprint | |
go/familyresourceguide - Family Resource Guide | |
go/familyresources - Family resources | |
go/foragingclubname - Vote on the name of the Middlebury foraging club! | |
go/famis?practice - Practice - FAMIS Application | |
go/famis?prod - Production - FAMIS Application |
go/forawalk - A link to organize playtime with a puppy! |
go/fammentorapp - First@Midd application | |
go/forecast - Middlebury's weather according to the national weather service | |
go/foreignkeyboard - How to type diacritics (accents) and configure foreign language support for PCs and Macs. | |
go/fancy - You never turn down fancy dessert. | |
go/fanmcrc - Middlebury Men's Rugby Facebook Fanpage |
go/forestrestoration - Sign-up for forest restoration planting |
go/forestretreat - Signup form for May 7th, 2022 Forest Retreat | |
go/fanvideo - Course website for Fan Video: Theory & Practice S2023 |
go/forever21 - forever 21 |
go/fanvideocourse - Course website for Fan Video: Theory & Practice S2023 |
go/ForEveryFuture - For Every Future: The Campaign for Middlebury |
go/forgetwifi - Wiki instructions -- how to forget a wireless network | |
go/faqbrowse - FAQ entries list from LibAnswers |
go/forgetwireless - Wiki instructions -- how to forget a wireless network |
go/faqdocutek - Docutek end-of-life FAQ (Google Docs) |
go/forgotpassword - Reset Your Middlebury Account Password -- use this when you cannot remember your current password |
go/faqeres - Docutek end-of-life FAQ (Google Docs) |
go/forgotpwd - Reset Your Middlebury Account Password -- use this when you cannot remember your current password |
go/faqresearch - CTLR Research FAQ for Students | |
go/faqs - This link leads to frequently asked questions about the library. | |
go/FAQsReunion - Reunion FAQs page |
go/Form1042S - Explanation of Form 1042S, Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding |
go/formhub - Concept for online add/drop/declaration/etc. forms | |
go/forms - A list of the most commonly used Human Resources related forms for faculty and staff. | |
go/farm - Middlebury College Organic Farm | |
go/formulahybrid - Link to Middlebury's Formula Hybrid Club | |
go/fornightlyfeature - MMC Fortnightly Feature Hikes | |
go/farmerstan - Middlebury College Organic Farm |
go/forofor - Room 404, a publication |
go/forohfor - Room 404, a publication | |
go/farmhotties - Middlebury College Organic Farm |
go/forrent - Non-College Housing List |
go/farmstand - Future home of the farmstand - serving up fresh news, events, and links by the minute. |
go/forth-and-be-awesome - For epic study-age. |
go/farmtalk - Farmers/thinkers Mark and Kristin Kimball discuss the intersection of agriculture, environmentalism, and biology. You may know Kristin's bestselling book, "The Dirty Life." Talk will be Thursday February 26th at 4:30 PM in Dana auditorium. | |
go/fortnightly-feature - MMC Fortnightly Feature Hikes | |
go/fartsniffer - Fart Sniffer |
go/fortnightlyfeature - MMC Fortnightly Feature Hikes |
go/farwest - class website for chinese poetry in the far west | |
go/fascism - AEI |
go/forward - E-mail Forwarding |
go/forwarding - E-mail Forwarding | |
go/fossil - Fossil Fuel Divestment! | |
go/fast - Alpine Ski Club |
go/fossilfree - Fossil Fuel Divestment! |
go/fastchoice - Go link to private loan servicers preferred listing for SFS. |
go/fotos2017 - Auf der Seite koennt ihr Fotos hochladen und sie mit den Anderen ganz einfach teilen. Wir produzieren am Ende des Sommers auch eine Dia-Show. Wir brauchen ganz viele Fotos dafuer! |
go/fourier-transform - Link to fourier transform visualization | |
go/fourofour - Room 404, a publication | |
go/fatm - Join us every Friday at 12:15 at the Middlebury College Museum of Art for a special program related to the collection or an exhibition! |
go/fourohfour - Room 404, a publication |
go/fatnhairy - Tell us how you're failing the patriarchy. The stories you share on this form will be transcribed onto index cards and put onto a display in Davis! Join us on April 11th at Chellis for an arts and crafts night where we will make index cards with these stories. |
go/foursquare - Middlebury's foursquare Community |
go/faulkner - Blog website for ENAM0450: Faulkner and His Influence | |
go/fax - Fax machine info |
go/fp - Word Cloud for family planning debate. |
go/faxing - E-FAX Information | |
go/fb - Facebook.com login | |
go/fr203 - the French 203 website | |
go/fr205 - French 0205: Toward Liberated Expression | |
go/fraf - Faculty Research Assistant Funding (FRAF) from the Dean of Faculty Development and Research | |
go/frames - Animation Studio Frame Server | |
go/framework - Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education | |
go/FramOfficeHours - Sign up for office hours times with Prof. Fram | |
go/frankiecondon - Frankie Condon talk | |
go/FrankieCondonWorkshop - Franki Condon Workshop registration | |
go/frat - Get ready... | |
go/fraternity - Get ready... | |
go/fratmusic - 8-tracks music website | |
go/fratwater - it's for the boiz | |
go/fb92 - Class of 92 FB Group |
go/Fraud - CCI's Identifying Fraudulent Employment Opportunities shortcut |
go/fb93 - Link to Class of 1993 Facebook page | |
go/frazier - Amy Frazier, Film and Media Librarian | |
go/fb95 - Class of 1995 facebook page |
go/FRBoard - future researchers board application |
go/FRCode - Future Researchers Python meeting started code | |
go/freddy - smithi's personal go link to the latest frederick douglass treatment | |
go/fbgm - fbgm | |
go/fbgroups - Midd Alum Facebook Groups | |
go/freeandforsale - Website for on campus buying and selling, car rides exchange, etc. | |
go/fbird - The official FlappyParty room for Middlebury College. | |
go/fc - SGA Finance Committee landing page | |
go/fc2013 - Faculty Council website | |
go/fcblog - The SGA Finance Committee Blog | |
go/freedomdreaming - Freedom Dreaming-Envisioning an Antiracist Middlebury | |
go/fcliaison - SGA FC Liaison FY20 | |
go/fcliaisonlist - SGA Finance Committee Liaison Guide |
go/freedomtomarry - Vermont Freedom to Marry Collection in SC&A |
go/fcliaisons - SGA FC Liaison FY20 | |
go/fcos - rotating selection of articles about research gone wrong |
go/freefood - vsosignup |
go/freeformdrive - Shared Google Drive for members of the "Freeform Electronic Music Lab" J-term workshop. | |
go/fdlinterestrateandfees - Go link to Federal Direct Loan loans interest rates and origination fees on studentaid.ed.gov | |
go/fds - Women deserve better | |
go/feast - Weybridge Spring Feast 2015 |
go/freeheel - Presence page of the Middlebury Free Heelers: Addison County's premier telemark skiing organization at institutions of higher education. |
go/freeheelers - Presence page of the Middlebury Free Heelers: Addison County's premier telemark skiing organization at institutions of higher education. | |
go/feastweek - On-campus for Thanksgiving Break? Join us for Midd Thanksgiving Feast Week in Forest East Kitchen. | |
go/feb+orientation - DOSA - February Orientation |
go/freeman1 - classroom instructions |
go/feb2016 - URL for feb orientation online guide... |
go/freeman2 - classroom instructions |
go/freenatalie - Freeing adorable creatures from the oppression of comfortable couches. | |
go/febcele - Information for the 2023.5 Feb Celebration | |
go/febcelebration - Feb Celebration Web site | |
go/febchecklist - February admits pre-arrival checklist for Orientation | |
go/febclassgift - 22.5 Senior Gift giving form | |
go/febfeedback - A form to provide feedback to the Feb senators (Faith Wood '24.5 and Andrew Juarez '24.5) on any topics relating to being a feb. |
go/freespeech - Support Middlebury Students' Right to Protest |
go/febgift - 22.5 Senior Gift giving form | |
go/febjt22 - justalks feedback form for feb 2022 orientation | |
go/febleader - Feb Orientation (2020) Leader & Co-Chair Application |
go/freetickets - info about free and low-cost ticket programs for students |
go/freetix - info about free and low-cost ticket programs for students | |
go/febleaderquestions - zoom office hours for interested student leaders | |
go/febmester - Resources and ideas for a Feb's semester off |
go/freewithtuition - Free with Tuition - A blog about academics by a Midd Kid |
go/fren - French Department | |
go/fren0105 - French 0105 Spring 2015 | |
go/feborientation - Middlebury College February Orientation Website |
go/fren103 - French 103 |
go/febpalhour - Feb Pal Hour is a drop-in session with Pre-Orientation Leaders. It's a social/Q-A session with students. |
go/fren205 - Course website for FREN 205 Towards Liberated Expressions - Fall 2020 class (A) |
go/febphotos - All photos taken by Todd Balfour at Feb Celebration 2013.5 |
go/fren209 - Course website for FREN 0209 |
go/febpolicies - Feb College Policies Overview & Questions | |
go/fren220 - French 220 site | |
go/fren221 - French 221 website | |
go/fren3460 - French LS 3460 | |
go/fren370 - Moodle page for French 370 with P. Julien Weber. | |
go/febthankyou - Thank you to all the wonderful Febs who made a gift to our winter Feb Challenge! |
go/french - French Department |
go/febtrek - Students observations and reflections. Media Industry 2017 FEB TREK in Los Angeles, CA |
go/french0105 - French 0105 Spring 2015 |
go/french205 - french 205 | |
go/febvote22 - SGA Spring 2022 Feb Election | |
go/febweb - Feb Orientation Information | |
go/fech - The Franklin Environmental Center at Hillcrest's page. |
go/french336-lib - topic forming and research question handout for Fall 2021 FREN 0336 |
go/french336-lib-handout - topic forming and research question handout for Fall 2021 FREN 0336 | |
go/FECHnewsletter - Sign up here for the Franklin Environmental Center at Hillcrest's weekly newsletter! |
go/frenchClub - Follow French Club on Instagram! |
go/fed - Fed Challenge information |
go/frenchcourse - Information about the 2-week French School course |
go/frenchfilms - All the french language films on Kanopy | |
go/federaldirectloaninterestratefees - Go link to Federal Direct Loan loans interest rates and origination fees on studentaid.ed.gov | |
go/federaldirectloaninterestratesandfees - Go link to Federal Direct Loan loans interest rates and origination fees on studentaid.ed.gov | |
go/federaltaxreturn - How to file a U.S. federal tax return |
go/frenchhouse - French House information and application |
go/frenchinaction - The pages within the site containing video audio exercises from "French in Action" are available only to students enrolled in French language courses at Middlebury College. | |
go/frenchkanopy - All the french language films on Kanopy | |
go/feelgood - Audition for MDC! |
go/frenchlibslides - Slides from library orientation July 6, 2018 |
go/feelin22 - Super secret surprise birthday video. | |
go/feellocal - Ask, where do you feel local to be more inclusive than, where are you from. | |
go/frenchsurvey - Survey of French students for thesis | |
go/feelthefuzz - FTF |
go/frenchtoastmafia - french toast mafia? need i say more? |
go/FeelTheStang - SPLASH ZONE | |
go/frenchyfrench - french 210 | |
go/feetpics - MDC auditions |
go/freshfood - View products available at the Middlebury Farm Stand |
go/freshfruit - List of local farmers markets | |
go/fef - For Every Future: The Campaign for Middlebury |
go/freshhelp - eres |
go/freshman - placeholder | |
go/FEFsig - OneDrive doc with FEF campaign email signature templates | |
go/FEFsignature - OneDrive doc with FEF campaign email signature templates | |
go/friars - Mitchell Parrish '14 and his band The Zealous Friars are in the running to play at Bonnaroo and they need your vote! You can vote every day until April 17, so tell your friends | |
go/friday - Spring Symposium Friday Schedule | |
go/fridge - Redirect for Portfolio Website | |
go/friedrice - magic wok chinese food | |
go/FELIX - The hottest famous dude at Midd | |
go/fellows - As a group of students in their final year at Middlebury, the senior admissions fellows bring diverse experiences from their college years to provide prospective students and families with personalized perspectives on the admissions process and on life as Middlebury College students. |
go/friends - Go make some goddamn friends. |
go/fellowship - CTLR Fellowships |
go/friendsgiving - B2N RSVP for Friendsgiving |
go/fellowships - CTLR Fellowships | |
go/fellowshipsblog - CTLR Fellowships and Undergraduate Research updates, events and deadlines. | |
go/friendsstudy2 - condition 2 | |
go/femalefounders - Sign up form for the latest event in VCET's Female Founders Speaker Series |
go/friendsstudy3 - condition 3 |
go/femblog14 - Feminist Blogging 2014 |
go/friendsstudy4 - condition 4 |
go/feminism - Feminist Action at Middlebury |
go/friendsy - Kind of a glorified AddSeven that splits interest into "friend," "hookup," and "date." |
go/frisbee - Middlebury Pranksters Ultimate | |
go/feminist-theory - Feminist Theory |
go/frndz - gamut room email list sign up |
go/frog - food | |
go/FeministFoundations - This is the course syllabus for GSFS 0200 | |
go/feministfridays - Link to weekly screenings by Chellis House | |
go/frogsrule - Poetry | |
go/feministoftheyear2018 - The Chellis House, the Women's Resource Center, are seeking nominations for the student, staff, and faculty feminist of the year. We are looking for feminists who actively engage with our community around issues of gender, sex, and sexuality as they are experienced in relation to race, class, ability, and geography. You may nominate persons in one or all of the following categories: student, staff, and faculty. The deadline is Monday, May 7, 6 p.m. We will celebrate all the nominees at the end-of-the-year Chelle-bration on Saturday, May 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Chellis House with music, poetry and good food. |
go/frolicking - Can I dictate to you my sentiments about frolicking? I don't need to now; this video explains them all. It's avant-garde. |
go/feministretreat - Meet the participants of Middlebury's first Feminist Retreat! |
go/fromthepage - Landing page for Middlebury College Special Collections at From the Page, a crowdsourced transcription service. |
go/feminists2020 - The Feminist Resource Center at Chellis House is seeking nominations for the student, staff, and faculty feminist of the year. We are looking for feminists who actively engage with our community around issues of gender, sex, and sexuality as they are experienced in relation to race, class, ability, and geography.* | |
go/frontline - Strategy game | |
go/frossty - Ross event RSVP. | |
go/femjoy - feminist joy final project survey spring23 |
go/frost - Robert Frost |
go/fruit - URGENT | |
go/fence - Middlebury College Fencing Club--one for all and all for one! |
go/fruitgame - fruit game |
go/fencing - Middlebury College Fencing Club--one for all and all for one! | |
go/fendik - Erik Fendik : architectural design portfolio |
go/fs - Facilties Services |
go/feneley - Feneley Library at Middlebury CMRS-Oxford Program |
go/fs?deliver - Facilities Services - Delivery Request To request delivery of an item from point A to B. Generally related to an event setup. |
go/fer - FER Extinguisher login |
go/fs?paper - Facilities Services - Copier/Fax Paper Request Form |
go/ferber - CTLR programming for Ferber |
go/fs?service - Facilities Services - Service Request Form |
go/fs?vehicles - Facilities Services - Vehicle Rental Request Form | |
go/ferpa - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) | |
go/fsgdo - Sign up form - Green Dot Overview for faculty, staff, and sometimes students | |
go/FSgreendot - Sign up form - Green Dot Overview for faculty, staff, and sometimes students | |
go/fsjc - fsjc application | |
go/fsm - R'amen | |
go/fsminor - Homepage for the Food Studies Department | |
go/fever - Spring Fever benefit performance for Charter House | |
go/ffconfig - Instructions for configuring Firefox in the enterprise. |
go/ftf-new - Library - EBSCO new interface 2021 - Full-text Finder (FTF) |
go/ffdev - Evisions FormFusion web-based developer client |
go/ftfnew - Library - EBSCO new interface 2021 - Full-text Finder (FTF) |
go/fff - Free Friday Films | |
go/ftk - Shortcut to FTK's website. | |
go/ffi - Shortcut for the Fund for Innovation |
go/ftkapp - Apply to be a member of the 2017-2018 For the Kids (FTK) committee! |
go/ftkapplication - Apply to be a member of the 2017-2018 For the Kids (FTK) committee! | |
go/ftkapply - Apply to be a member of the 2017-2018 For the Kids (FTK) committee! | |
go/ffw - Fall Family Weekend | |
go/FFW2020 - Virtual Fall Family Weekend pages | |
go/FFWSchedule - LInk to Middlebury's Event Page (starting with Fall Family Weekend date) |
go/fuck_your_self - Not a fan of profanity. |
go/fgabroad - This is for a first gen study abroad info session held at the AFC |
go/fuckbird - stupid f***ing bird tickets |
go/fgapple - Registration Form for the First Gen Apple Picking Fall'24 | |
go/fgapples - Sign-up for apple picking at Happy Valley Orchard! Hosted by the AFC. | |
go/fgevent - RSVP for first gen events and trips | |
go/fgfieldtrip - This leads to a google form for first gen students to sign up for a field trip on April 27 to the Ben & Jerry's factory. |
go/fuckit - Bill O'Reilly Rant for when you want to laugh |
go/FGGrad - First Gen graduates RSVP form for First-Generation Graduation Celebration | |
go/fuckmetalalchemist - The best damn show in the universe. | |
go/fgmaple - RSVP form for the First-Gen Spring Excursion 2022 to Bread Loaf View Farm. | |
go/fgmentor - Link to First Generation Peer Mentoring Program 2016-17 mentor form. | |
go/fuckthat - Fuck that: A guided meditation | |
go/fh288 - classroom instructions | |
go/fia - The pages within the site containing video audio exercises from "French in Action" are available only to students enrolled in French language courses at Middlebury College. |
go/fuentesgeorge19 - Alumni College 2019 Fuentes-George |
go/fiasco - Late Night Fiasco Homepage | |
go/ficstudio - Sign up to use MMU recording studio spaces in Freeman International Center |
go/fuji - blackbirds the orchard |
go/fidtts - Fidelity TTS Course Homepage for Summer 2021 |
go/Fulbright - CTLR Fellowships Fulbright Information |
go/fiej - Fellowships in Environmental Journalism |
go/fulbrightappguidance - CTLR Fellowships Fulbright Application Guidance |
go/fulbrightchecklist - CTLR Fellowships Fulbright Applicant Checklist | |
go/fieldcelebration - Baseball and Softball Field Renovation Celebration |
go/fulbrightessayguidance - CTLR Fellowships Fulbright Essay Guidance |
go/fieldgames - Field games event RSVP for Brother to Brother April 3, 2022 | |
go/fieldhockey - Field Hockey |
go/funbetsy - She's fun, she's betsy |
go/FieldHockey-RSVP - RSVP link to Google form |
go/func - Functional Programming w/ Pete |
go/FieldHouseProject - provides details on the field house project and ways to support it |
go/funcsoul - Link to FuncSoul Stressbusters event |
go/fundforinnovation - Fund for Innovation at Middlebury College | |
go/funding - There are many resources through different offices at Middlebury and external agencies and foundations to help you pursue what you want to do. Start by looking here! | |
go/fig - Middlebury Financials Group mailing list | |
go/fundraising - Fundraising Registration form for Student Organizations | |
go/fightchagas - #FightChagas | |
go/fightthefarright - Please submit questions for our Fight The Far Right student panel and check out the Facebook event in the description! | |
go/fighttheright - Please submit questions for our Fight The Far Right student panel and check out the Facebook event in the description! | |
go/files - Documentation regarding Middfiles, the College's file server system. | |
go/fileserverinfo - General information about file server use, including how to connect |
go/funkyourself - For those late nights when you feel like groovin between the beats and between the sheets |
go/film - Department of Film and Media Culture |
go/filmactors - A database of film acting talent in the area. | |
go/filmclub - Film Society web page and signup |
go/funweekend - Middlebury finance interview resources |
go/filmclublinks - Links for the Midd Film Club | |
go/filmcrit - Website of student essays on Media Mirrors, written for FMMC0360 Key Concepts in Film & Media Criticism | |
go/FilmExplosion - A screening of work created by Middlebury's 3D Animation and Sight and Sound 2 classes in addition to a senior work by Brad Becker-Parton | |
go/filmmediacrit - Syllabus for FMMC 360 Key Concepts in Film & Media Criticism | |
go/filmnight - The sign-up form for Middlebury Film Club's movie screenings | |
go/filmorder - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. | |
go/filmorders - Library purchase requests for book, film, DVD, etc. |
go/fushigi - Its here, its wild, its sweeping the nation |
go/filmsociety - Film Society web page and signup | |
go/filmvid - Film & Media Culture Department |
go/futbol - Soccer??? |
go/futureforward - shortcut to CCI's Future Forward Alumni Video Series | |
go/filthytasty - GIVE ME SOME OF IT. |
go/futureshit - A google drive folder for a JTerm project. |
go/finaid - Financial Aid |
go/fuze - Fuze, a global cultural party. |
go/finaid?appblse - Financial Aid - Bread Loaf School of English Application | |
go/finaid?appls - Financial Aid - Language Schools Application |
go/fvc - Course website for Fan Video: Theory & Practice S2023 |
go/finaid?forms - Financial Aid Office - Forms | |
go/finaid?plans - Financial Aid Office - Payment Plans |
go/fvckosmi - Kosmi screening room for FMMC 223 Fan Video |
go/fvcmeet - Go link for fan video course zoom meetings winter 2021 | |
go/fvcwatch - Kosmi screening room for FMMC 223 Fan Video | |
go/finaldinner - fall end of semester dinner |
go/fwp - The Flying Words Project |
go/finally - Come to see finally, a show by Asian playwrights featuring an all Asian cast! 500 work of Emily Ballou. | |
go/finals - Final exam schedule |
go/FY24CYEEM - FY24 Calendar Year End Appeal - Email |
go/FY24CYEUM - FY24 Parents' Fund Calendar Year End Appeal | |
go/FY24CYEWC - a WeChat giving link for calendar year end appeal | |
go/FY24FALLCP - FY24 parent fund fall appeal to current parents | |
go/finalscarepackage - Box office link to buy a finals care package |
go/FY24FALLPP - FY24 Parents' Fund Fall Appeal to past parents |
go/finalscarepackages - Buy a fall finals care package from GlobeMed! YUM!!! |
go/fyadvising - First-year student advising |
go/finalss - yup i am bored |
go/fyc - 2014-15 job description for FYCs at Middlebury College |
go/fyconcerns - First Year Concerns Form | |
go/finance - VP Finance and Treasurer Office | |
go/finance?cfs - Controller's Office - Consolidated Financial Statements |
go/FYEQR - FYE Utility Mailer QR Code |
go/finance?cfs2005 - Controller's Office - Consolidated Financial Statements 2005 |
go/fyf - Link to the Darkstar Party event page. |
go/finance?cfs2006 - Finance - Consolidated Financial Statements 2006 |
go/fyg - link to exhibits from Fifty Years of Green Omeka site |
go/fyhousing - First Year Housing | |
go/fyreg - FY Student course selection page, potentially piloting WT 2024 | |
go/fyresquad - Check out the best hip-hop group on campus! | |
go/financial+aid - Financial Aid |
go/fys-advising - Portal for First Year Advising Information for students and faculty |
go/financial-aid-impact - financial aid story |
go/FYS-Advising-Students - First Year Advising Resources for Students on FYS Website |
go/financial_sustainability - financial sustainability page for information |
go/fys-faculty - Resources for FYS faculty |
go/financialliteracy - SFS Financial Literacy page (JMA) | |
go/FYS1548 - FYSE 1548 Imaging People | |
go/findabook - Library - Alma / Primo scoped to MIDCAT |
go/FYSattend - Google form collecting attendance information for FYS events. |
go/findafriendjpg - Here is our event tonight: "F" is for friends who do stuff together... Come make new friends and learn about their hobbies, interests, or backgrounds over a game of "find a friend" bingo | |
go/findafriendpdf - F is for friends who do stuff together... Come make new friends and learn about their hobbies, interests, or backgrounds over a game of find a friend bingo |
go/fyse-1371-hunt - 2021 Scavenger hunt for FYSE 1371 |
go/findajob - Search for a student job on the Student Employment Office's page | |
go/findamac - A list of maps showing how public computer labs look like. Also has stats showing how many computers are available. |
go/fyse-article - placeholder for any article a librarian wants to share with a fyse class |
go/findaninternship - Find or create an internship |
go/fyse-faculty - Resources for FYS faculty |
go/findapc - A list of maps showing how public computer labs look like. Also has stats showing how many computers are available. |
go/fyse-research-starter - Leanne's topic forming and research starter for fyse |
go/findaplay - Library - Guide to finding plays in MIDCAT, online, and reviews of plays in MIDCAT and online. |
go/FYSE1002 - FYSE Poll links |
go/findaprinter - Find a public printer and check its status. |
go/fyse1004lib - Introduction to the libraries for FYSE 1004: Meaningful Writing |
go/fyse1007hunt - scavenger hunt fyse 1007 09/22 | |
go/findarticles - Library: How to find articles |
go/fyse1012hunt - Library scavenger hunt for FYSE 1012, Russian short stories |
go/findbooks - Library: How to find books |
go/fyse1017hunt - Library scavenger hunt for FYSE 1017 Politics of Francophone Lit |
go/fyse1025 - Library guide for FYSE 1025. Chance | |
go/fyse1025-libguide - Library guide for FYSE 1025. Chance | |
go/fyse1025guide - Library guide for FYSE 1025. Chance | |
go/fyse1025libguide - Library guide for FYSE 1025. Chance | |
go/findinternship - Find or create an internship | |
go/findinternships - Find or create an internship | |
go/findmeaboobae - BSU, ALIANZA, UMOJA Spooky Soiree form |
go/fyse1050guide - Library - Course LibGuide for FYSE 1050 |
go/findmusic - Guide to finding music resources: CDs, Scores, DVDs |
go/FYSE1055 - Link to Shelby Kimmel Transforming Traditions FYSE |
go/findmymac - Apple's "Find My Mac" Feature -- Setup Instructions | |
go/findvideos - Library: How to find videos |
go/fyse1067 - Ron Makleff FYSE |
go/fyse1167 - Quiz for Jim Berg's FYSE, Shakespeare's characters | |
go/FingerPainting - RSVP for creating art together finger painting event. |
go/fyse1184 - FYSE 1184 The Journey Within, Maria Hatjigeorgiou, Fall 2021 Quiz |
go/finlit - SFS Financial Literacy page (JMA) |
go/fyse1244guide - study guide for FYSE1244: Geology of National Parks |
go/fyse1300guide - Research guide for FYSE1300 - Ecological History of New England, Fall2013 | |
go/fire - Fire safety policies and what to do in the event of a fire. | |
go/firefighter - Middlebury Fire Recruitment for Fall 2022 | |
go/fyse1330 - Spring 2011 FYSE 1330a | |
go/firepit - Using the fire pit at the Organic Farm | |
go/fires - Index of fires occurring on or around the Middlebury campus. |
go/fyse1371-hunt - 2021 Scavenger hunt for FYSE 1371 |
go/fyse1371hunt - 2021 Scavenger hunt for FYSE 1371 | |
go/fyse1374 - FYSE 1374: The Champlain Basin | |
go/fireside - The Middlebury Fireside |
go/fyse1419 - Amy Morsman FYSE quiz |
go/fyse1423 - Library guide for FYSE 1423 - The Story of Geometry | |
go/first50days - First 50 Days events for First Years and Febs Spring '21! | |
go/firstamendment - Petition your student government! |
go/fyse1433guide - FYSE 1433 Biology of Attraction resource guide |
go/FYSE1434guide - Library guide for FYSE 1434 Humans and the Geological Environment | |
go/firstatmidd - Pre-orientation program for first-generation college students | |
go/fyse1442-hunt - Library scavenger hunt for fyse 1442 50 Shades of Italy | |
go/fyse1442hunt - Library scavenger hunt for fyse 1442 50 Shades of Italy | |
go/firstgen - First-Generation Students at Middlebury | |
go/fyse1463guide - Library guide for FYSE 1463. "Scholars Communicate Meaning" | |
go/fyse1463libguide - Library guide for FYSE 1463. "Scholars Communicate Meaning" | |
go/fyse1471 - FYSE1471 -- Light: Metaphors & Models (Spring 2016) | |
go/firstyearadvising - Advising for new students | |
go/fyse1479hunt - Scavenger hunt for FYSE 1479 library workshop 09/26/22. | |
go/firstyearconversation - Meet your SGA First-Year Senator Candidates! Password: 978079 |
go/fyse1489guide - Library - Course LibGuide for FYSE 1489 |
go/firstyearconvo - First Year Senator Debate 2021-2022 | |
go/firstyearcounselor - 2014-15 job description for FYCs at Middlebury College |
go/fyse1504guide - LibGuide for FYSE 1504 Stages of Uncertainty: An Exploration of the Intersections of Theater and Mathematics. |
go/fyse1511guide - LibGuide for FYSE1511 - Folk Fairy Tales of the World | |
go/fyse1515hunt - fyse 1515 literature and moral choice scavenger hunt | |
go/firstyearshow - Link to the event page for the 15th Annual Middlebury Theater Department First Year Show. | |
go/fis - Friends of International Students (FIS) Host Program, coordinated by ISSS. | |
go/fish - Information on Phishing | |
go/fisher - Zak for SCOCC |
go/fyse1522 - Canvas Page - FYSE 1522: Music and the Black Church |
go/fishing - MiddFly Gear Sign Out Sheet | |
go/fishmap - fish map fish map | |
go/fishof - Event Schedule and Description for Noa Zuk and Ohad Fishof Residency. | |
go/fitnesscenter - Fitness Center Hours | |
go/fitnessctr - Fitness Center Hours | |
go/fitnesshours - Field House/Fitness Ctr/Nataorium Hours | |
go/fitzsimmons19 - Alumni College 2019 Fitzsimmons |
go/fyse1534-lib - Scanvenger hunt for FYSE 1534, Fall 2019 |
go/five - Midd 5 is a news show from the Campus Newspaper. |
go/fyse1534guide - LibGuide for FYSE 1534 - Who Owns Culture? History, Culture, and Decolonization |
go/fivethirtyeight - Andrew Flowers talk on 2017/2/28 | |
go/fix - Browser extensions that enable access to 'go/' shortcuts from off campus! |
go/fyse1545 - Course Guide for FYSE 1545 - African Musical Lifestyles (Fall 2019) (Kafumbe) |
go/fixgo - Browser extensions that enable access to 'go/' shortcuts from off campus! | |
go/fixheater - Submitting Work Orders by SSL |
go/FYSE1548 - FYSE 1548 Imaging People |
go/fixit - A link to Middlebury's first Dero Bike Fix-It Station. | |
go/fixmyheat - Work order form for SSL |
go/fyse1560lib - worksheet for fyse1560 workshop |
go/fyse1572exercise - Library workshop exercise for FYSE1572 | |
go/flaming - Flaming Flamingo | |
go/flamingo - Flaming Flamingo | |
go/Flanders - Flanders Ballad Collection |
go/fyse1585 - Video slides link for Anne-Marie Magri |
go/flandersia - Flanders Ballad Collection @ Internet Archive |
go/FYSE1588hunt - classroom exercise for FYSE1588, Fall 2021 |
go/fyse1589-hunt - Scavenger hunt FYSE 1589 Poetics of Lullaby | |
go/flappy - The official FlappyParty room for Middlebury College. |
go/fyse1589hunt - Scavenger hunt FYSE 1589 Poetics of Lullaby |
go/flappybird - The official FlappyParty room for Middlebury College. | |
go/flappyparty - The official FlappyParty room for Middlebury College. |
go/fyseguide - General Library Research Guide for First Year Seminars |
go/flashchallenge19 - MIIS go link for Social - June challenge FY19 | |
go/flatball - Middlebury College Ultimate Frisbee | |
go/fysenator24 - First Year Senator 2024 Applications | |
go/fyseshakespeare - Quiz for Jim Berg's FYSE, Shakespeare's characters | |
go/flattire - A blog documenting the trials and tribulations of the courageous Alexander Adamson Russo throughout his Middlebury adventures! |
go/fysguide - General Library Research Guide for First Year Seminars |
go/FYSKickoff - Kickoff event for the 25th Annual First Year Show | |
go/flawsandall - I Did Not Wake Up Like This campaign by FAM | |
go/flexapp - flex fund app |
go/fyvote - First Year Senate Election |
go/flexfund - Quick link to the Service Cluster Board (SCB) Flex Fund application. |
go/fywebreg - Information about first-year student web registration |