GO needs your help! Find out how you can help by logging in to our self-service shortcut creation interface!
You can also view this list, sorted by the destination
go/smellofmoney - In addition to go.MIIS--adding go.MIDDLEBURY/SMELLOFMONEY for KAZU radio ads. | |
go/S2W - Share to Wear is a peer to peer clothing rental service for Middlebury College, similar to Rent the Runway, but with Middlebury students supplying the rental clothes. We're creating one large, accessible, fashionable, and affordable closet for all Middkids. We hope that Share to Wear creates a community of Middlebury students sharing + wearing each other's clothes, something accessible and affordable to all students, while minimizing consumerism. | |
go/sa - Middlebury Schools Abroad |
go/smith - Smith Gakuya - ASI CS department |
go/sa/applying - The Applying Page for Middlebury Schools Abroad | |
go/sa/diversity - Website for diversity in study abroad on the Middlebury Schools Abroad website. |
go/smoking - Smoking policy |
go/smoodyro - Stanis Winship Moody-Roberts | |
go/sa/germany - Study Abroad in Germany |
go/smores - InterVarsity S'mores Night |
go/sa2014viewbook - for the sa viewbook back cover |
go/smugmug - Midd's Smugmug |
go/sa?admin - Schools Abroad - Admin | |
go/sa?italy - Schools Abroad - Italy | |
go/sa?photocontest - Schools Abroad Photo Contest |
go/snailmail - Mail Center page |
go/sa?predep - Schools Abroad - Pre-Departure Requirements Tracking | |
go/sa?session_review - Schools Abroad - Session Review Form |
go/snakegame - The classic Snake game. |
go/sa_enroll - Schools Abroad Enrollment Form |
go/snakemountain - AFC X Outdoors Programs - Snake Mountain trip |
go/sa_HB - Schools Abroad General Handbook |
go/snap - Guide to applying for SNAP (food stamps) in all US states for Middlebury students. |
go/sa_LP - Schools Abroad Language Pledge |
go/snapcrush - crush list tba |
go/saac - Information page for the Middlebury Student Athletic Advisory Committee | |
go/SAACStressBustTuesday - Links for managing stress and anxiety with finals and playoffs in the coming weeks. These resources include breathing techniques and other stress-relieving strategies. | |
go/SAAM - Shortcut to the Middlebury-Monterey Study Away page | |
go/sneg.f22 - SNEG fall 2022 feedback form | |
go/SNEGbuddy - SNEG new membership buddy system | |
go/snegslack - Sunday Night Environmental Group Slack Communication channel | |
go/snegtrainings - a form to request trainings through SNEG | |
go/snek - snek | |
go/saaply - link to page with quick link to Middlebury study abroad application |
go/sng - Link to Sunday Night Group's Facebook page |
go/snitch - Report health pledge violations | |
go/snow - Ski and Snowboard Club | |
go/snowart - Calvin and Hobbes forever. | |
go/saas - Vendor Survey |
go/snowboard - go snowboard! |
go/sabai - Sign up for Chateau Hall event |
go/snowbowl - Middlebury College Snowbowl |
go/snowbowl?admin - Snow Bowl - Admin | |
go/snowbowl?passes - Snow Bowl Pass Order Form | |
go/sabine - she's ok |
go/snowbowl?passes-facstaff - SnowBowl Pass Order Form |
go/snowbowl?passes-student - SnowBowl Pass Order Form | |
go/snowbowl?skischool - Snowbowl - Alpine Ski & Snowboard Program Registration | |
go/snowbowlbus - link straight to Snow Bowl Shuttle Bus schedule | |
go/SaC - addictive one deal at at time! | |
go/sacorrespondent - Links to Student Activities Correspondent coverage request form | |
go/snowbowlneedsalift - A shortcut to the snowbowl giving site page | |
go/sadboihours - When you're in the feels |
go/snowbowlsurvey - Snow Bowl student engagement survey |
go/snowbus - ACTR Snow Bowl bus schedule | |
go/snowcam - Snowbowl live-feed | |
go/safari - Library - Proquest Safari online books (library's collection of mostly computing e-books) |
go/snowconditions - Sign up here to receive daily snow news and conditions from the Middlebury College Snow Bowl. |
go/safari-mobile - Library - Safari Books Online mobile interfaceProquest Mobile version of Safari online books (library's collection of mostly computing e-books) | |
go/safarim - Library - Safari Books Online mobile interfaceProquest Mobile version of Safari online books (library's collection of mostly computing e-books) | |
go/snowfall - An awesome National Weather Service link providing detailed information about recent snowfall, snow-water equivalent, melt rate and other great stuff. | |
go/safe-computing - InfoSec Quick Tips |
go/snowflake - @kate raszka |
go/snownews - Sign up here to receive daily emails with snow news and conditions from the Middlebury College Snow Bowl. | |
go/snowschool - Sign up for Winter Term 2020 lessons at the Snow Bowl! | |
go/snowshoe - Signup Google form for a snowshoeing event at the Rikert Outdoors Center | |
go/snr - Catalogue of Supernova Remnants (SNRs) | |
go/snratlas - Catalogue of Supernova Remnants (SNRs) | |
go/safecomputing - InfoSec Quick Tips |
go/snrgiftdinner - Senior Class Gift Kick-off dinner |
go/saferspringbreak - Share your safer spring break challenge google form |
go/snrs - Catalogue of Supernova Remnants (SNRs) |
go/safespace - SafeSpace, a service of the Pride Center of Vermont, provides information, support, referrals, and advocacy to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning survivors of violence and offers education and outreach programs in the wider community. Support services include a hotline during established hours, direct advocacy, one-on-one support, and support groups. | |
go/snyder - Stephen Snyder's faculty page | |
go/safety - Department of Public Safety |
go/soan - Sociology & Anthropology Department |
go/safety?bikereg - Public Safety - Bike Registration Form | |
go/safety?ticket_appeal - Public Safety - Parking Ticket Appeal Form | |
go/Sage2023 - MCAB x WRMC presents Sage the Gemini on March 31st, 2023! Use this link to purchase your tickets. | |
go/sagecatdjs - SageCat DJs - 51 Main Concert for the JTerm class "Making Music with Tablets and Smartphones" | |
go/soan201 - webpage for Sociology of Labor Spring 2017 Professor Jamie McCallum | |
go/soan212 - P. Nelson's fall 2012 class on eres. | |
go/soan215 - ERes page for SOAN 0215 with Prof. M. Nelson (Fall 2011). | |
go/sail - Middlebury College Sailing Club | |
go/sailing - MCSC |
go/soan260F13 - SOAN 260 website and blog |
go/sailingjob - Sailing Job Shift sign up | |
go/sailingnotes - Midd Sailing Spring '24 Notes | |
go/sailingp22 - fall 2022 sailing practice sign ups! | |
go/soannews - SOAN Newsletters | |
go/sailors - sailing email list sign up |
go/soannews2010 - 2010 SOAN Newsletter for Alumni |
go/soanseniors - Website with resources for seniors in the SOAN department | |
go/saj - Japan study abroad application page | |
go/sajobs - Student Activities job postings available to student employees |
go/soberfriend - A link for students to Middlebury's sober friend agreement form. |
go/sake - Japanese Club Sake Event | |
go/saketickets - Japanese Club Sake Event |
go/soca - Sociology & Anthropology Department |
go/sakura - Sakura, Japanese Culture Blog |
go/socan - Sociology & Anthropology Department |
go/soccer/mens - Men's Soccer | |
go/soccer/womens - Women's Soccer | |
go/salamneighbor - Film Society Event | |
go/salem - A shortcut to Ali's website! | |
go/salestax - Sales Tax Exemption Certificates |
go/socdata - Middlebury Sociology Data Lab: links to site reviews, learning guides, and data workshops |
go/soceventplanning - Event planning resources available for student organizations on campus. | |
go/salogin - Study Abroad Application Login Page |
go/socfunding - Funding resources available for student organizations. |
go/socguide - Library Research Guide for Sociology | |
go/salsanight - Sign up form for the Latin dance workshop that is part of SGA's Taste of the World week |
go/soci - Sociology Department |
go/SALT_Updates_Template - template for weekly SALT Updates | |
go/salty - Salt |
go/soci405 - Survey about residential learning environment for Pandemic Sociology (SOCI405) class. |
go/salutations - Vincent A. Jones endorses Riley O'Rourke | |
go/SAM - Service Availability Monitoring | |
go/samlyons - LinkedIn Profile | |
go/sammartin - MuseumWorks 2018 |
go/socialexplorer - Library database (maps and statistics) |
go/sammybutbetter - asdf | |
go/samplebox - Goes to survey for Parlour sample box | |
go/socialimpactcorps - quick link to Social Impact Corps program pages | |
go/samuelsullivan - Personal website | |
go/socialjustice - MiddJusticeLens will serve as a forum for the Middlebury College community in order to convey the consciousness of the Alliance members. By commenting and divulging on the materials shared within the cohorts along with the existing contributions by students on campus, this forum will live as a Social Justice Alliance lens--merging all groups and discussions into a common language | |
go/samulnori - Samulnori Interest Form |
go/sociallife - Placeholder |
go/socialwilderness - Moodle page for FYS: the social life of wilderness | |
go/socindex - Library - Subscription database. Sociological Index | |
go/sociology - Sociology Department | |
go/SanDiego - Countdown to Track Spring Break Trip |
go/sociologyguide - Library Research Guide for Sociology |
go/sandiego2020 - san diego 2020 countdown |
go/sociologyresearchguide - Library Research Guide for Sociology |
go/sandman - The Sandman Wikipedia page. |
go/socks - B1S Secret Santa |
go/soclogics - Site for Logics of Sociological Inquiry (SOAN 301) | |
go/sandpaperscratch - blackbirds orchard |
go/socmarketing - Marketing resources available for student organizations on campus. |
go/SOcoordinator - Job Posting for Student Organization Coordinators | |
go/sandy - Hurricane Sandy disaster relief information |
go/socrative - Socrative real-time response site |
go/sane - Information regarding SANE support at Parton Health Service. |
go/socresearchguide - Library Research Guide for Sociology |
go/socstats - Go link for SOAN 385 (Social statistics) Canvas page | |
go/soe - Middlebury School of the Environment | |
go/SOF - Scholars of Finance application link | |
go/sannianji - Chinese School Level 3 | |
go/sanspace - Sansspace in case you forget the second s | |
go/SoftballTrip - Help Fund the Softball Trip! | |
go/softD - reserved for Software Development F15 | |
go/sao - Student Activities Office | |
go/saoc - Sexual Assault Resources and Information |
go/softsupp - Display a list of ITS-supported software with learning/resource links. |
go/software - A description of the software offered by Info Tech Services (ITS) and how to obtain it. | |
go/software4me - List of software you can install on a personally-owned computer | |
go/software?labs - List of the software available on PUBLIC computers. | |
go/software?personal - List of software you can install on a personally-owned computer | |
go/software?public - List of the software available on PUBLIC computers. | |
go/saoforms - Forms from the Student Activities Office | |
go/saolocalspending - This is a poster for an SAO-BMP promotion. |
go/softwaresupport - Display a list of ITS-supported software with learning/resource links. |
go/saomovie - Use this link to watch the Thursday night movie nights for the month of May! |
go/soggy - Stay soggy, my friends |
go/sohoney - so honey | |
go/solar+decathalon - Solar Decathlon | |
go/solar+decathlon - Solar Decathlon | |
go/sapb - Sound Aesthetics and Production Blog - Kirk Horton |
go/solarblog - The official blog of the Middlebury solar decathlon team. |
go/solard - The facebook page for Insite, Middlebury's entry into the 2013 Solar Decathlon | |
go/solardecathlon - Website for the Middlebury College team in Solar Decathlon 2011. | |
go/solardecathlon2013 - Solar Decathlon 2013 | |
go/sapp - satisfactory academic progress policy |
go/solarev - To enter the lottery for the free solar EV charging, fill out this form |
go/sarady - Holding until website is finished. |
go/sold - Link to website for Middlebury student organization 'Stop Traffick' |
go/solidarity - juntos & sneg solidarity week ride coordinating | |
go/soltan201 - Arabic Website for ARBC 0201 with Soltan | |
go/sarahkearns - Zoom room for office hours with Sarah Kearns of the Vermont Small Business Development Center. | |
go/sarahminahan - UH OHS FO LYFE |
go/solvemyproblems - Will and Silent James's Emotional Health Hour survey link |
go/somethingtotalkabout - Let Greg, Tom, and Adam solve all your problems. | |
go/sas - South Asian Studies | |
go/SAS201 - Psych 201 survey on awareness of sexual assault | |
go/sasa - Join the South Asian Student's Association! |
go/songrequest - Song requests. |
go/sasadinner20 - SASA Welcome-back Dinner RSVP Form | |
go/sasasb - SASA Shadow Budget |
go/songsformatt - songs that ~rock~ cuz you do too |
go/sasasummer - Senior Summer Celebration May 2022! | |
go/sasgrant - Student funding application (formerly opportunity grants) | |
go/saskia - Thought you might like this |
go/sopa - ACTA is worse than SOPA! |
go/sassy - Romeo and Juliet's alternate ending. | |
go/satnG - A Survey of Minimum Saturated Graphs |
go/sophbio - 2016 Sophomore Conference Alumni Bios Page |
go/saturatedgraphs - A Survey of Minimum Saturated Graphs |
go/sopheakphoto - Sopheak Photography Fans Page |
go/saturation - A Survey of Minimum Saturated Graphs |
go/sophfavs - favorites around Midd. From sophomores to sophomores. Class of 2024(.5)! |
go/saturationnumber - A Survey of Minimum Saturated Graphs | |
go/Saturday - Gap Year Small Group Time for students taking feb-mesters and gap years to meet up and get to know each other better. We will explore the world within even there are challenges to exploring the world abroad | |
go/saturnalia - RSVP form for Classics Department Saturnalia Party | |
go/sav - Anti-Virus | |
go/sophomore - Lucia's Myspace | |
go/Save - How to Save / Back-up files for PC and Apple | |
go/sophomoredraw - Details about Fall Term housing for rising sophomores during the Spring Term live commons draws. | |
go/savethefebs - Save the Feb Program! | |
go/savethesea - Link to PSCI 483 class script 11/12/19 | |
go/sophomores - Sophomore Committee Application form | |
go/savethewhales - Fossil Fuel Divestment! |
go/sophos - FAQ for the Sophos Antivirus software |
go/savisit - Leads to website with training materials for accepted Student Ambassadors. | |
go/sophos?faq - FAQ for the Sophos Antivirus software | |
go/savoucher - Student Activities voucher | |
go/sophosfaq - FAQ for the Sophos Antivirus software | |
go/sayyea - say what? say yea. november 13. | |
go/sb - Snow Bowl |
go/sophvote22 - SGA Spring 2022 Sophomore Election |
go/sopostmodern - The Brothers Bloom, so postmodern | |
go/soran - Soran Bushi, ISO Show 2011 | |
go/soresources - Connect with Student Organization Resources | |
go/sbohler - CTLR Learning Resources Reading Programs |
go/sorryforalmostkillingyouwithsillystring - David's (CRA)reaction to when I shot him with silly string |
go/sbox - Final Project Report for CS435-Embedded Systems. Video Game Controller by Angad Virk and Zale Young |
go/sort - Learn how to sort your waste! This includes e-waste, reusables, recyclables, regular waste, and compostable waste. |
go/sortwaste - Learn how to properly sort waste! | |
go/sbsb - Snow Bowl Shuttle Bus Schedule |
go/SOS - WRMC + MCAB + MMU present S.O.S. Fest 2014 feat. Delicate Steve, TV Girl, Caroline Rose, Iron Eyes Cody on Friday, Vundabar, Poor Remy, Modern Diet, Milk Chocolate |
go/sc - Special Collections | |
go/SC+Responsibilities - Staff Council Representative responsibilities | |
go/sc2020 - Link to the Senior Committee Page | |
go/sosupper - RSVP form for the Sophomore Supper | |
go/scaccc - SC acquisitions accessions files and budget files |
go/sotibt - Still on the internet big time! |
go/scaccessions - SC acquisitions accessions files and budget files | |
go/scacq - SC acquisitions accessions files and budget files | |
go/scacquisitions - SC acquisitions accessions files and budget files | |
go/scadminquickguide - Safe College Administrator Quick Guide | |
go/scagendas - Link to Special Collections meeting agendas |
go/sound - Sound Aesthetics & Production |
go/scalar - Link to slides for workshop on using Scalar, designed for students | |
go/soundboard - literally entered the building legally | |
go/scan - Instructions for how to scan | |
go/scanner - Instructions for how to scan. | |
go/scanningelectronmicroscope - Scanning Electron Microscope |
go/soundcloudrapper - WRMC All-DJ Meeting 2017 Sign-In |
go/scaopenmeeting - Zoom link for the SCA Open Meeting | |
go/scappt - MS Bookings calendar |
go/soundfxguide - Library - Libguide- Video, Image, and Sound Effects research guide |
go/soundsofourisolation - Sound Aesthetics and Production Course - Sounds Of Our Isolation Project | |
go/soup - vso sign up | |
go/scavengethefebs - feb scavenger hunt |
go/south - Link to planning sheet for southern student org |
go/southchinasea - An online resource for students, scholars and policy-makers interested in South China Sea regional development, environment, and security issues | |
go/southern - This organization aims to teach the wider college community about Southern tradition and culture. | |
go/southpark - South Park full episodes | |
go/SP19COM - MIIS FY19 Spring Communique -- giving link for AG ad. | |
go/scboard - Home page for the Service Cluster Board on MiddLink | |
go/scborndigital - Notes to SC Born Digital working group |
go/space - Calendars for you to schedule rehearsal times in Middlebury's theatre rehearsal spaces. |
go/scbpanels226 - RSVP for the 2/26 SCB monthly meeting! | |
go/scbudget - SC acquisitions accessions files and budget files |
go/spaceplan - The final Library Master Plan will be available here soon. |
go/scbudgets - SC acquisitions accessions files and budget files |
go/spacereservation - Reserve a space for your event |
go/spacesurvey - Fall 2017 Library Space Survey | |
go/SPAIS - Share Point for AIS | |
go/spam - Info about email filtering at Middlebury -- how it works and what you can adjust | |
go/sccoursetrainings - Safe Colleges - Tutorial topics include course customization, assessment features, previewing course content, and more! |
go/spamq - Office 365 Spam Quarantine login page |
go/sccovid - Tasks that will keep us busy during the COVID social distancing experiment. |
go/span - Spanish Department |
go/sccustomcourses - Safe Colleges how to create a custom course | |
go/span0322 - SPAN0322 - Hispanic Linguistics | |
go/scdatamanagement - Safe College Data Management Trainings |
go/span101 - Beginning Spanish I Fall 2024 |
go/scdatamanagementtraining - Safe College Data Management Trainings | |
go/scdesk - Special Collections desk schedule | |
go/scdoor - Special Collections desk schedule |
go/span210 - Spanish 210C and 210D for Fall 2012 |
go/scdrive - Link to SC Google Team Drive | |
go/scedorda - SC acquisitions accessions files and budget files |
go/span210spring13 - Woolson's SPAN 210 class page for spring 2013. |
go/sceval - Link to SC evaluation poll | |
go/scevaluation - Link to SC evaluation poll | |
go/scexhibit - Special Collections Exhibits Clearinghouse of to-dos and things to remember | |
go/scexhibitcal - Link to SC exhibits spreadsheet/calendar |
go/SPAN220D - SPAN220D Spring 2023 |
go/scexhibitcalendar - Link to SC exhibits spreadsheet/calendar | |
go/scexhibitions - Special Collections Exhibits Clearinghouse of to-dos and things to remember |
go/span307 - Ideas & Cultures of the Southern Cone Fall 2024 |
go/scexhibits - Special Collections Exhibits Clearinghouse of to-dos and things to remember | |
go/scfeedback - SC feedback from TLs MCG | |
go/scgdrive - Link to SC Google Team Drive |
go/span?houseapp - Spanish - Perkins House Application |
go/scgift - Documentation for gifts, letters, and taxes |
go/spandict - Spanish Dictionary |
go/scgifthowto - Documentation for gifts, letters, and taxes |
go/spandocs - Spanish Language school orientation google doc |
go/scgifts - Documentation for gifts, letters, and taxes |
go/Spanglish - Juntos Movie Screening RSVP |
go/scgroupassignment - Safe College - How to create a group assignment |
go/spanguide - Library Research Guide for Spanish |
go/scguide - Special Collections Libguide |
go/spanish - Spanish Department |
go/schar - Daniel Scharstein's homepage | |
go/scharstein - Daniel Scharstein's homepage |
go/spanish?houseapp - Spanish - Perkins House Application |
go/sched - google calendar | |
go/spanishguide - Library Research Guide for Spanish | |
go/schedule - Event Management website |
go/spanishlinguisticsguide - Midd Library Research Guide to Spanish Sociolinguistics. |
go/spanishresearchguide - Library Research Guide for Spanish | |
go/spanishsociolinguisticsguide - Midd Library Research Guide to Spanish Sociolinguistics. | |
go/spanlinguide - Midd Library Research Guide to Spanish Sociolinguistics. | |
go/scheduled - Library - LibApps / LibInsight input form - Record Data to Scheduled Liaison and SCA Support | |
go/scheduledliaison - Library - LibApps / LibInsight input form - Record Data to Scheduled Liaison and SCA Support | |
go/scheduledliaisons - Library - LibApps / LibInsight input form - Record Data to Scheduled Liaison and SCA Support | |
go/scheduledRI - Library - LibApps / LibInsight input form - Record Data to Scheduled Liaison and SCA Support | |
go/scheduledsupport - Library - LibApps / LibInsight input form - Record Data to Scheduled Liaison and SCA Support |
go/spatlab - Spatafora Lab Internal Wiki |
go/scheduleplanner - Course schedule planning tool. | |
go/scheduler - Middlebury's Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research (CTLR) Scheduler: A Hub to Connect to Academic Support | |
go/SPD - Health and Welfare Summary Plan Description | |
go/speak - Book a free private Oratory Coaching session | |
go/schedulewithholly - Scheduling with RD Holly - Battell & Allen |
go/speak-russian - We speak Russian! (Russian Department FB page) |
go/schedulewithkristy - ResLife - Schedule a meeting with AD Kristy Carpenter |
go/speak15 - TEDx Student Speaker Competition 2015 |
go/scheduling - Event Management website |
go/speak17 - TEDxMiddlebury Student Speaker Competition 2017 |
go/speak2016 - TEDxMiddlebury Student Speaker Competition 2016 | |
go/speakaboutit - Please use this webform to sign up for a Spring 2021 Speak About It discussion session. This training is mandatory for all incoming first-year students, as well as all currently enrolled student athletes. | |
go/speakbetter - Book a free private Oratory Coaching session | |
go/schmitt - John Schmitt's homepage | |
go/schmitty - Hey everyone! Click here to view the details of my campaign for Feb Senator! | |
go/spec - Course Website for FMMC Theories of Spectatorship, Audience, and Fandom Fall 2023 | |
go/speccoll - Special Collections | |
go/schol-comm-map-next-steps - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zVjKwNBVDyozMlAzZf9raAGCXbJAaJDN/view?usp=sharing |
go/specdoc - collaborative google doc commonplace book for Spectatorship fall 24 |
go/scholar - Google Scholar | |
go/scholarly - Library - Guide that explains the difference between scholarly and popular journals and magazines. |
go/specgrading - Jason Mittell's presentation on specifications grading |
go/special - Special Collections | |
go/scholarlyid - Information about scholarly ids | |
go/scholarlyidentity - middlebury libraries scholarly identity libguide |
go/specialagendas - Link to Special Collections meeting agendas |
go/scholarnet - (JMA) Student Financial Services ScholarNet portal page |
go/specialappointment - MS Bookings calendar |
go/specialappt - MS Bookings calendar | |
go/scholars-communicate-meaning - Library guide for FYSE 1463. "Scholars Communicate Meaning" | |
go/scholars-communicate-meaning-guide - Library guide for FYSE 1463. "Scholars Communicate Meaning" | |
go/specialbook - MS Bookings calendar | |
go/scholarsbowl - Middlebury Quiz Bowl | |
go/scholarscommunicatemeaning - Library guide for FYSE 1463. "Scholars Communicate Meaning" |
go/specialcitation - Link to citation guide for special collections |
go/scholarscommunicatemeaningguide - Library guide for FYSE 1463. "Scholars Communicate Meaning" |
go/specialcite - Link to citation guide for special collections |
go/scholarship - Middlebury College senior work and theses via Islandora. |
go/specialcollections - Special Collections |
go/specialcollectionsguide - Special Collections Libguide | |
go/specialcollectionsnews - Special Collections news feed | |
go/specialcovid - Tasks that will keep us busy during the COVID social distancing experiment. | |
go/scholarvspop - Library - Guide that explains the difference between scholarly and popular journals and magazines. |
go/specialdrive - Link to SC Google Team Drive |
go/specialeval - Link to SC evaluation poll | |
go/specialevaluation - Link to SC evaluation poll | |
go/specialfeedback - Link to SC evaluation poll | |
go/SchrodingersSandbox - Physics - SchrodingerSandbox: Interactive WebGPU App |
go/specialguide - Link to high-level SC LibGuide |
go/specialhelp - Link to high-level SC LibGuide | |
go/sci - Science and Mathematics at Middlebury |
go/specialinteresthouses - ResLife - Midd's Academic and Special Interest Houses |
go/scicafe - directors survey for research project | |
go/scidirect - Science Direct database | |
go/science - Science and Mathematics at Middlebury | |
go/scienceandsupport - "Science, Support, and Sexual Trauma" 2016-2017 senior project workshop presentation by Katie O'Neill and Ariana Mills. |
go/specialmedia - Link to media inventory |
go/ScienceDirectBookSeries - Elsevier Book Series in ScienceDirect available to Middlebury College |
go/specialmediatrack - Google form for analog media tracking Google Sheet |
go/ScienceDirectEBooks - Elsevier Book Series in ScienceDirect available to Middlebury College |
go/specialmediatracker - Google form for analog media tracking Google Sheet |
go/sciencefiction - The Spring 2014 course webpage for Science Fiction. |
go/specialmeetings - Link to Special Collections meeting agendas |
go/sciencefictionguide - Online library guide for FYSE 1003. | |
go/sciencelib - Armstrong Science Library |
go/specialnews - Special Collections news feed |
go/sciencelibrarian - Contact page for Wendy Shook, Science Data Librarian | |
go/sciencelibrary - Armstrong Science Library |
go/specialpodcasting - Link for FMMC/AMST 261 Podcasting the past |
go/sciencemath - Science and Mathematics at Middlebury |
go/specialpoetry - poetry blog shortcut |
go/sciences - Science and Mathematics at Middlebury |
go/specialreadingroom - Link to Google Drive SC Remote Reading Room |
go/sciencesmath - Science and Mathematics at Middlebury |
go/specialreg - Special Collections registration |
go/sciencetest - Science and Mathematics at Middlebury |
go/specialregistration - Special Collections registration |
go/scientificfacilities - Middlebury Scientific Instruments and Facilities |
go/specialremoteaccess - Special Collections remote reading room, a.k.a. Google Team Drive |
go/scientificinstrumentation - Middlebury Scientific Instruments and Facilities |
go/specialremotereadingroom - Link to Google Drive SC Remote Reading Room |
go/scientificinstruments - Middlebury Scientific Instruments and Facilities |
go/specialsched - MS Bookings calendar |
go/scifi - The Spring 2014 course webpage for Science Fiction. |
go/specialschedule - MS Bookings calendar |
go/scifimovieslibrary - List of science fiction movies in the library's collection. | |
go/scifinder - Library - Chemical Abstracts via SciFinder Scholar |
go/specialsocial - Link to Social Media Google Doc |
go/specialsocialmedia - Link to Social Media Google Doc | |
go/SciFriReturns - InSite Fall Family weekend event |
go/specialsummer - Background for students...doc can be revised for every summer |
go/specialtheses - Link to Google inventory: S Undergraduate Theses & Senior Work | |
go/scihub - Bring one to sci-hub |
go/specialthesis - Link to Google inventory: S Undergraduate Theses & Senior Work |
go/sciinst - Middlebury Scientific Instruments and Facilities |
go/specialtyhousing - ResLife - Midd's Academic and Special Interest Houses |
go/scilib - Armstrong Science Library | |
go/scimath - Science and Mathematics at Middlebury | |
go/scitest - Science and Mathematics at Middlebury | |
go/specialvimeo - Videos on Vimeo from Special Collections and Archives | |
go/specialvisit - MS Bookings calendar | |
go/specsapp - SPECS application | |
go/specsgrading - Jason Mittell's blog posts about specifications grading | |
go/scmediatrack - Google form for analog media tracking Google Sheet | |
go/scmediatracker - Google form for analog media tracking Google Sheet | |
go/scmeetings - SC staff meeting agendas | |
go/spectator - Spectator policy for sports. | |
go/spectators - Spectator policy for sports. | |
go/scms - Single item catalog spreadsheet |
go/spectatorship - Course Website for FMMC Theories of Spectatorship, Audience, and Fandom Fall 2023 |
go/scnews - Special Collections news feed | |
go/scnewstudent - Special Collections new student worker orientation |
go/speech - oratorynow.org |
go/scnewstudents - Special Collections new student worker orientation |
go/SpeechContest - The Spencer Prize in Oratory for First-Year Students oratorynow.org/spencer |
go/speeches - Did you hear? Speeches and lectures from Middlebury (and beyond) are available to you. | |
go/speed-friending - Speed Friending is a virtual event, where a group of individuals is paired off for short periods of time in a round-robin fashion, so everyone has the opportunity to meet and get to know every other person in the group! | |
go/scoh - Special Collections' internal oral history drive | |
go/speedfriendz - QTPOC's annual speed friending event | |
go/speedracer - GO Speedracer! | |
go/scopus - Library - Scopus database | |
go/scopusid - Information about Scopus ID | |
go/scoralhistory - Special Collections' internal oral history drive |
go/spellingbee - Spelling Bee Musical Box office link!! |
go/spencer - oratorynow.org/spencer | |
go/scorekeeper - An iPhone/iPod app for keeping track of scores |
go/spencer30 - Topic for Spencer 30-Sec Challenge |
go/scorereporter - Ultimate frisbee scores |
go/spencerchallenge - speech topic generator |
go/scorereporterw - College Women's Ultimate Frisbee Tournaments | |
go/scores - Sailing Scores - ICSA College Sailing |
go/spice - The official website for the "Variety is the Spice of Life" Club at Middlebury. |
go/scorientation - Special Collections new student worker orientation |
go/spiceoflife - The official website for the "Variety is the Spice of Life" Club at Middlebury. |
go/scottcenter - Scott Center homepage |
go/spicytacos - Fire Safety Violation Form |
go/ScottCenter-WalkingMap - Walking Map to the Scott Center |
go/spike - Spike likes go links that don't go anywhere. |
go/spikeball - Play spikeball | |
go/scottcenterdinner - RSVP to 2024 year-end dinner | |
go/scottcenterevents - Scott Center events calendar |
go/spinach - Ross always has spinach. Always. Other types of lettuce do not exist here. |
go/scottcenterfilm - link to "Sharing Faith" video |
go/SpindlerFMS - Online giving link for the Jason Spindler Frontier Market Scouts Scholarship (MIIS). |
go/spineex - This is a link to sports medicine squat screen google drive where you can access thoracic spine specific exercises for mobility and strengthening. | |
go/scottcentersummer - summer programs and services at the Scott Center | |
go/spinyoga - Sign up for Spin/Yoga Classes! | |
go/scotus - Supreme Court Webpage |
go/spirits - 802 Price Guide, y'all |
go/scouncil - Staff Council |
go/spirituallife - Spiritual and Religious Life Events Calendar |
go/spit - Poor Form Final Showcase! | |
go/scouted - Get a job. | |
go/splishsplash - Middlebury Diving Livestream | |
go/scpopup - pop-up exhibit prep doc |
go/spo - Shortcut to the options for summer school payment |
go/scpopupprep - pop-up exhibit prep doc | |
go/scpreferences - Safe Colleges - tutorials on the features in our Preferences tab including auto-email reminders, custom training categories, custom login screen messaging, training plan locks, and more! | |
go/scrab - Scrabble dictionary | |
go/scrabble - Official scrabble dictionary | |
go/scrapbook72 - A digital scrapbook created by students in Amy Morsman's course who interviewed Middlebury alumni from the class of 1972. | |
go/scream - FM Phasis - downloadable playlist WRMC 91.1 FM Spring 2015 | |
go/sports - Middlebury College Athletics | |
go/screening - how to request a film screening |
go/sports?athletics - St. Michael's College - Athletics |
go/sports?climb - Athletics - Climbing Wall | |
go/screeningresponses - Wordpress Site for African Cinema Class Screening Responses |
go/sports?coed_crosscountry - Athletics - Cross County |
go/screenings - Information about screening a film |
go/sports?coed_skiing - Athletics - Skiing |
go/screenshot?W7 - How to take a screen shot in windows 7 |
go/sports?coed_swimdive - Middlebury College Athletics - Swimming & Diving |
go/screenshot?XP - How to take a screen shot in Windows XP |
go/sports?coed_track - Athletics - Track & Field |
go/screenwriting2 - Intermediate screenwriting class guiding students through the process of writing a feature length screenplay. |
go/sports?events - Athletics - Home Event Schedule |
go/screenwriting24 - Screenwriting FMMC 106 for Fall 2024 by Natasha Ngaiza | |
go/screenwriting24b - Screenwriting FMMC 106 Section B, taught by Natasha Ngaiza | |
go/sports?kenyontour - Kenyon Arena Tour | |
go/screg - Special Collections registration |
go/sports?mens_basketball - Athletics - Men's Basketball |
go/scregback - SC Registration Backend |
go/sports?mens_football - Athletics - Football |
go/scregbackend - SC Registration Backend |
go/sports?mens_hockey - Middlebury College Athletics - Men's Hockey |
go/scregbehind - SC Registration Backend |
go/sports?mens_lacrosse - Athletics - Men's Lacrosse |
go/scregistration - Special Collections registration |
go/sports?mens_soccer - Athletics - Men's Soccer |
go/scremotereadingroom - Link to Google Drive SC Remote Reading Room |
go/sports?mens_tennis - Athletics - Men's Tennis |
go/sports?prospectives - Athletics - Prospective Student Athletes | |
go/sports?womens_basketball - Athletics - Women's Basketball | |
go/sports?womens_fieldhockey - Athletics - Field Hockey | |
go/sports?womens_hockey - Athletics - Women's Hockey | |
go/scrostertemplate - Safe Colleges Roster Template |
go/sports?womens_lacrosse - Athletics - Women's Lacrosse |
go/sports?womens_soccer - Athletics - Women's Soccer | |
go/scrunningreports - Safe College - Running Reports Trainings |
go/sports?womens_softball - Athletics - Softball |
go/scs - An online resource for students, scholars and policy-makers interested in South China Sea regional development, environment, and security issues |
go/sports?womens_tennis - Athletics - Women's Tennis |
go/scsched - Special Collections desk schedule |
go/sports?womens_volleyball - Athletics - Volleyball |
go/scschedule - Special Collections desk schedule |
go/sportsmed - Sports Medecine |
go/scsignup - Sustainability Consultancy Sign-up Form: Please use this form to sign your student organization or faculty/staff department up for the Sustainability Consultancy. | |
go/scsocial - Link to Social Media Google Doc | |
go/scsocialmedia - Link to Social Media Google Doc | |
go/scstudentfaces - List of Special Collections student associates/interns/etc. |
go/sportsnotes - Athletics - Sports Notes |
go/sportsnotes?subscribe - Athletics - Sports Notes Subscriptions | |
go/sportsthesis - Sarah Kimmel's neuroscience thesis | |
go/spot - Spotify Shortcut | |
go/spotify - Spotify - A world of music. | |
go/scsummer - Background for students...doc can be revised for every summer | |
go/sctaxes - Documentation for gifts, letters, and taxes |
go/spotters - An Otters Sketch |
go/sctrackback - Tracking backend |
go/spp - Student Project Pipeline, a place for students to share their projects! |
go/sctrackbackend - Tracking backend |
go/sctrackers - SC acquisitions accessions files and budget files |
go/spring20 - New interface for Banner registration |
go/sctrainingplans - Safe Colleges step by step on various group assignments | |
go/sculpt - Link to Mirling sculpture class | |
go/sculpture371 - Sanford Mirling's ART 0371 Sculpture I course during Fall 2011 semester. | |
go/scuolaitaliana - Italian Language School -In Language- website. | |
go/scute - so cute. | |
go/scwb - Single chair weather blog | |
go/scwebinars - Safe Colleges tips/how to's for Webinars | |
go/sd - Middlebury Solar Decathlon | |
go/sd13 - Solar Decathlon 2013 |
go/springbugeting - Student Org Spring Budgeting |
go/sd13contacts - Contacts for Solar Decathlon 2013 | |
go/sd13list - SD 2013 email list | |
go/sd13research - Solar Decathlon 2013 Research Database |
go/springclean - vso sign up for 4/23/17 |
go/sd13team - SD'13 email list | |
go/sd13videos - Videos from the 2013 Solar Decathlon team | |
go/sd13vidos - Videos from the 2013 Solar Decathlon team | |
go/sda-install - Library - SDA install / update documentation. Sierra Desktop App how-to. MUST be on-campus OR use VPN to see and use. |
go/SpringerEBooks - eBooks in Springer's collection available to Middlebury College |
go/sda-reinstall - Library - SDA install / update documentation. Sierra Desktop App how-to. MUST be on-campus OR use VPN to see and use. | |
go/sda-update - Library - SDA install / update documentation. Sierra Desktop App how-to. MUST be on-campus OR use VPN to see and use. |
go/SpringFestival - Middlebury's Annual Japanese Spring Festival! |
go/sda-upgrade - Library - SDA install / update documentation. Sierra Desktop App how-to. MUST be on-campus OR use VPN to see and use. |
go/springfling - Sign up for Spring Fling Yourself Across the Finish Line 5k/10k hosted by Globemed on May 8th, 2021 |
go/sdainstall - Library - SDA install / update documentation. Sierra Desktop App how-to. MUST be on-campus OR use VPN to see and use. | |
go/sdaupdate - Library - SDA install / update documentation. Sierra Desktop App how-to. MUST be on-campus OR use VPN to see and use. |
go/SpringGift - Reusable Old Guard spring letter link |
go/sdaupgrade - Library - SDA install / update documentation. Sierra Desktop App how-to. MUST be on-campus OR use VPN to see and use. |
go/springintroweek - Intro week format |
go/sdbc - Solar Decathlon 2013 Basecamp |
go/SpringLetter - Spring Non-Reunion Reusable Link |
go/sdguide - Service Desk Guide |
go/springorientation24 - The schedule for 2024 Spring Orientation |
go/SDI - Google form to sign up for sustained dialogue training |
go/springsight - Sight and Sound l |
go/sdl110 - classroom documentation | |
go/sdl122 - classroom documentation |
go/springsocial - go link to RSVP for spring social event with the Environmental Studies Program |
go/sdl130 - classroom documentation | |
go/sdl202 - Classroom Instructions |
go/springsymposium - Amnesty International's 2021 Spring Symposium, "Gun Violence and the Criminal Justice System" |
go/sdldana - Classroom Documentation |
go/springtours2015 - How to update tour availability |
go/sdlilc1 - classroom instructions | |
go/sdlilc2 - Classroom Documentation |
go/Spritz - Spreadheet for Spritz |
go/sdlore - Pij's collected lore for Service Desk extended staff (now in SD&T Google team folder) | |
go/sdp - Slate Document Portal |
go/sprout - Environmental Outreach with Local K-12 Schools |
go/SPSapp - Application for leadership of the Society of Physics Students | |
go/sdresearch - Solar Decathlon Research Team Database. |
go/spsf - Scholarly Publication Subvention Fund (SPSF) from the DFDR |
go/spsinterest - Interest form for Society of Physics Students club | |
go/sds - Link to online database for Safety Data Sheets | |
go/sdtmtg - SD & T check-in URL | |
go/seagull - Theatre people | |
go/SPUTNIKSB - Sputnik-MILC Google Drive | |
go/spyder - Middlebury Spyder Installation Page | |
go/sq - CTLR STEM and Quantitative Support | |
go/sqtutoring - CTLR STEM and Quantitative Tutoring | |
go/sqtutors - Canvas Course for STEM and Quantitative Tutors | |
go/seaotter - Sea Otter! | |
go/seapp19 - Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship Application 2019 |
go/squares - vso signup |
go/SEAPP20 - Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship Application 2020 | |
go/search - Search Middlebury Web Sites |
go/squash - Squash at Middlebury |
go/search+library - Library - Summon single search. Provides a Google-like search experience, allowing researchers to use one search box to discover credible and reliable library content. |
go/squash/mens - Men's Squash |
go/search+smart - Use Google better. |
go/squash/womens - Women's Squash |
go/search/feedback - Search Satisfaction Survey | |
go/searchbeyond - Summon search beyond Middlebury widget | |
go/searchcc - Creative Commons search portal. | |
go/squirrel - squirrel | |
go/SearchPres - Updates & info on 2024-2025 Presidential Search for Laurie Patton's successor. |
go/squirrels - Squirrels of Middlebury Facebook page |
go/searesidants - List and information about Sustainability & Environmental Affairs Scholars and Artists in Residence |
go/squirrelsofmidd - Squirrels of Middlebury Facebook page |
go/searesidents - List and information about Sustainability & Environmental Affairs Scholars and Artists in Residence |
go/squirrelsofmiddlebury - Squirrels of Middlebury Facebook page |
go/sra - CTLR Undergraduate Research Summer Research Assistant (SRA) Hiring Info | |
go/srafunding - Information about undergraduate research funding to support summer research assistant positions and faculty application instructions. | |
go/seascholars - List and information about Sustainability & Environmental Affairs Scholars and Artists in Residence |
go/srconfluence - SR page in Confluence. |
go/srf - Self-Realization Fellowship. The society established in America by Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi. "The universal teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda offer a science of spiritual exploration %u2014 one that enables us to create for ourselves spiritually harmonious lives, and to contribute to a more compassionate and peaceful world." | |
go/srg - Student Resource Guide | |
go/sri - SRI midlink website | |
go/srireadings - Socially Responsible Investing Club Resources page | |
go/sriresources - Socially Responsible Investing Club Resources page | |
go/srisurvey - Middlebury has recently committed to using Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria to filter its investments, taking the voice of the student body into account. Take this 5-minute survey to make your mark on the way we invest our endowment. | |
go/seasonsgreetingsBLSE2014 - BLSE Holiday Card URL |
go/sriweek - SRI Week: How can investment be used as a tool for social change? Mon 2/24- Thurs 2/27 |
go/srp - Pij's collected lore for Service Desk extended staff (now in SD&T Google team folder) | |
go/seasonsgreetingsParents2014 - Holiday Gift for Parents for 2014 | |
go/srps - CTLR Undergraduate Research Senior Research Project Supplement Funding | |
go/SEASSB - SEAS-MILC Google Drive |
go/SRRAnswers - Allows SRR to answer questions that students have submitted, and students to view those answers |
go/SRRconsentworkshop - Survey Response From for SRR Consent Workshop | |
go/seats - Library - seat reservation system LibCal Seats | |
go/seattlegentrifying - Gentrification in Seattle | |
go/SRRQuestions - Allows students to submit anonymous questions to SRR | |
go/seawhoweare - List and information about Sustainability & Environmental Affairs Scholars and Artists in Residence |
go/srspreadsheet - SR Student tasks spreadsheet. |
go/srstudent - SR Student tasks spreadsheet. | |
go/sec - Securities and Exchange Commission Website |
go/srstudents - SR Student tasks spreadsheet. |
go/secondhandgroovemachine - second hand groove machine |
go/srtask - SR Student tasks spreadsheet. |
go/secret - Post Secret online venue for sharing and reading the secrets of others |
go/srtasks - SR Student tasks spreadsheet. |
go/srvcat - Service Catalog in TeamDynamix - All Services | |
go/ss-deposit - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission | |
go/ss-submit - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission | |
go/secretsanta2025 - Secret Santa for the Class of 2025 |
go/ss1 - Fall 2021 Sight and Sound I |
go/ss1canvas - Canvas site for Sight and Sound I, Fall 2018 | |
go/SecSurvey - Vendor Survey |
go/SS2 - FMMC 0335 Sight and Sound 2 - Fall 2021 |
go/ss20 - Sight and Sound 1 for Spring 2020 | |
go/secularmissaluba - The first secular song in the Missa Luba YouTube playlist. |
go/ss21 - Sight and Sound 1 for Spring 2021 |
go/ssb - Redirect to page explaining single sign-on to BannerWeb | |
go/securetoken - User Services Internal Documentation - Secure Token | |
go/security - Department of Public Safety |
go/ssb?miis - Banner Web - MIIS |
go/security?bikereg - Public Safety - Bike Registration Form |
go/ssb?pprd - Pre-production link for devs (conforming to our naming convention more) |
go/security?ticket_appeal - Public Safety - Parking Ticket Appeal Form |
go/ssb?practice - Self Service Banner - PRACTICE |
go/securityreport - Links to annual security reports |
go/ssb?preprod - Self Service Banner - PREPRODUCTION |
go/securitysurvey - Vendor Survey |
go/ssb?prod - Redirect to page explaining single sign-on to BannerWeb |
go/ssbsso - SSO to BannerWeb / SSB | |
go/ssbsso?dev2 - shortcut for dev2 ssb via sso | |
go/seduction - look out ladies |
go/ssbsso?pprd - shortcut for ssb in preproduction via sso |
go/ssbsso?practice - shortcut for ssb in practice via sso | |
go/ssbsso?prct - shortcut for ssb in practice via sso | |
go/seedingtransformation - Link to recorded webinar |
go/ssbsso?preprod - shortcut for ssb in preproduction via sso |
go/ssbsso?preproduction - shortcut for ssb in preproduction via sso | |
go/ssca - Application form for the position of Second Student Constituent Advisor (SSCA) to the College Board of Overseers for the 2020-2022 academic years. | |
go/ssdeposit - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission | |
go/sef-miis - Go Link for dedicated MIIS Student Emergency Fund giving page | |
go/ssip - temp | |
go/segue - Segue | |
go/ssl24spring - Spring 2024 Sustainability Solutions Lab Internship Application | |
go/segue-migration-workshops - Signup form for Segue migration workshops |
go/ssl24summer - Applications for the Summer 2024 Sustainability Solutions Lab paid internship program |
go/SSLavailability - Check on the availability of the SSL Conference Room in FECH | |
go/sslblog - Sustainability Solutions Lab Interns Blog. Summer2020 cohort. | |
go/segue?about - Segue - About Segue |
go/SSLinternship - Handshake preview of SSL 2017 winter term internship |
go/segue?cws - Shortcut to the Course Hub |
go/sslspring24 - Spring 2024 Sustainability Solutions Lab Internship Application |
go/segue?et - Segue - Educational Technology |
go/sslsummer - Applications for the Summer 2024 Sustainability Solutions Lab paid internship program |
go/segue?mcog - Segue - MCOG |
go/SSLsummer24 - Applications for the Summer 2024 Sustainability Solutions Lab paid internship program |
go/segue?triathlon - Segue - Triathlon Club |
go/ssn - Explanation of Social Security Number and Individual Taxpayor Identification Number |
go/ssnupdate - SFS 1098T SSN/TIN | |
go/seguelookup - old Segue and other course site lookup database. Now on chisel. |
go/sso - For signing in to our new ADFS single-sign-on system without being redirected. |
go/SSOSB - Scandinavian-MILC Google Drive | |
go/sspr - Microsoft's Self-Service Password Reset -- use only when you can't remember your current password | |
go/selfaggrandizement - If you liked Go/cool... |
go/ssprsetup - MS SSPR setup |
go/sssubmit - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission | |
go/selfdefense - Student taught practical self-defense course | |
go/selfservice - Self Service Methods for Software Installation on College-owned Computers | |
go/selfstudy - 2011 Reaccreditation Self Study | |
go/sellart - Learn how to sell your student art using bluemidd |
go/staff-jobs - Middlebury College Employment Opportunities for Staff |
go/staff-jobs-internal - Middlebury College Internal Job Opportunities for Staff Positiongs | |
go/staff-jobs-sh - On-call staff jobs @ Middlebury | |
go/staff-picks - Book reviews by librarians | |
go/staffappreciation - Nominations Form for Rodney and Beverly DeGray Staff Appreciation Award | |
go/selldorfstudydocs - Link to the Seldorf Study |
go/staffcompensationfaq - Midd Human Resources FAQ re: questions submitted about the new staff compensation plan and HR's response. |
go/StaffCouncil - Middlebury College Staff Council - Home Page | |
go/staffcouncilblog - Staff Council Blog for Middlebury and MIIS Staff | |
go/sellstuff - This is a site where anyone (especially graduating seniors) can post pictures and images of college items that they are hoping to sell before the end of the academic year. |
go/staffcouncildaffodildays - ACS/Staff Council Daffodil Days |
go/selover - CTLR Undergraduate Research Selover Research Fund for American and Japanese Studies |
go/staffcouncilevents - staff council events |
go/sem - Scanning Electron Microscope | |
go/Seminar - CNS Seminar |
go/staffpayfaq - Midd Human Resources FAQ re: questions submitted about the new staff compensation plan and HR's response. |
go/semlogcog - Link to Semantics, Logic, and Cognition (PHIL0280/LNGT0280) course website |
go/staffpayplanfaq - Midd Human Resources FAQ re: questions submitted about the new staff compensation plan and HR's response. |
go/senate - Senator Elections | |
go/staffpicks - Book reviews by librarians | |
go/staffroom - MiddView Zoom Staff Room | |
go/staffsolidarity - facebook group for students to support staff and for staff to request support | |
go/sendmemes - send memes pls | |
go/sendneubs - Link to Middlebury Women's Ice Hockey Page | |
go/sendnudez - MMC Calendar Submission 2022 | |
go/standrews - CTLR Fellowships St. Andrew's Society Scholarship Information | |
go/senior - placeholder |
go/standup - This go link goes to a facebook event as a way of advertising the current publicity campaign that the Sexual Assault Oversight Committee is pursuing as a means of raising awareness against sexual assault on the Middlebury campus. |
go/senior-celebration - 2020 Senior Celebration shortcut... | |
go/standwithukraine - The link is created to raise awareness on campus about Russia's military attack on Ukrainian cities and villages with missiles, helicopters, tanks, ships, and heavy artillery; and share ways to support Ukraine. | |
go/SeniorClassGift - Class of 2023 Senior Gift | |
go/seniorcommittee - Senior Committee Sign Up Form |
go/stanton - When Eric realizes he doesn't have practice on Wednesday this week |
go/seniorfilms23 - Senior Thesis Projects from Senior Tutorial Fall 2022, production and exhibition in J-term 2023 | |
go/seniorformwics - The form for graduating seniors in WiCS++ to stay in contact with the club. | |
go/seniorfund - Donate to the 2019 and 2019.5 Senior Fund! | |
go/seniorgift - Class of 2023 Senior Gift | |
go/seniorgift2013 - Senior Class Gift Description |
go/StarRezApplications - The basics of creating a housing application in StarRez. |
go/seniorgiftdinner - Senior Class Gift Kick-off dinner | |
go/stars - Look at 100000 nearby stars! | |
go/stars22 - link to Middlebury College's 2022 STARS Report to AASHE | |
go/seniorproject - The Film and Media Culture Department presents Senior Projects for 2022. |
go/startaclub - How to Start a Club at Middlebury |
go/startthesteal - noodle photo editor application 2021 | |
go/seniors2018 - Senior Committee donation page | |
go/stat - webpage about Statistics major and course offerings there | |
go/stat116 - Math 116 Intro to Stats Page | |
go/stat201 - shortcut to stats 201 F24 website | |
go/statab-archive - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Previous years of the publication. | |
go/SeniorsGive2016 - Senior Class Gift |
go/statab-backfile - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Previous years of the publication. |
go/SeniorStories - Shortcut to CCI senior employment stories |
go/statab-currentyear - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Current year via ProQuest. |
go/statab-old - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Previous years of the publication. | |
go/seniorsurvey - Senior Class Gift Survey FY14 |
go/statabs - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Current year via ProQuest. |
go/seniortheses - Middlebury College senior work and theses via Islandora. |
go/statabs-archive - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Previous years of the publication. |
go/SeniorThesis - Chemistry/Biochemistry Senior Thesis presentations |
go/statabs-backfile - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Previous years of the publication. |
go/seniortutorial - Film and Media Culture - Senior Tutorial |
go/statabs-old - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Previous years of the publication. |
go/statabstract - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Current year via ProQuest. | |
go/seniorvote22 - SGA Spring 2022 Senior Special Election |
go/statabstract-archive - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Previous years of the publication. |
go/statabstract-currentyear - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Current year via ProQuest. | |
go/seniorweek15 - Senior Week 2015 schedule |
go/statabstract-now - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Current year via ProQuest. |
go/seniorweek19 - Senior week events |
go/stataTA - Shortcut for Stata tutoring sessions |
go/seniorweek22 - The Senior Week 2022 schedule! |
go/statatutoring - Stata tutoring sign-in form |
go/state - Instructions for State Income Tax Returns | |
go/seniorwork - Middlebury College senior work and theses via Islandora. |
go/state.tax - Shortcut to state tax withholding table on HR page |
go/statement - Shortcut to the IR Statement form | |
go/sensitivedata - What is Sensitive Data? | |
go/sensus - SensusAccess, convert files to audio and other formats | |
go/statetax - Instructions for State Income Tax Returns | |
go/sensusaccess - To student SensusAccess page on the CTLR page |
go/statinsight - Library - Subscription database |
go/sentrymd - Vaccine Upload Location (non-undergrad) |
go/statisitcalinsight - Library - Subscription database |
go/sentrymdemprelease - Employee Release for SentryMD |
go/statista - Library database for statistics |
go/sentrymdsturelease - Student SentryMD Release |
go/statistical - Library - Subscription database |
go/seo - Student Employment Office |
go/statisticalabstract - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Current year via ProQuest. |
go/seo?jobposton - Student Employment Office - On-Campus Job Posting Form |
go/statisticalabstract-archive - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Previous years of the publication. |
go/seo?jobsoncampus - Student Employment Office - On-Campus Job Openings |
go/statisticalabstract-backfile - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Previous years of the publication. |
go/statisticalabstract-currentyear - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Current year via ProQuest. | |
go/sep - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy |
go/statisticalabstract-old - Library - Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Previous years of the publication. |
go/statistics - Statistics Major Page | |
go/sepom - WOAH |
go/statisticsguide - Library Subject Guide for Statistics/Data |
go/stats - Statistics Major Page | |
go/stats201 - shortcut to stats 201 F24 website | |
go/sepomana20 - Sepomana 2018 tickets! |
go/statsguide - Library Subject Guide for Statistics/Data |
go/sepomana2021 - Sepomana 2021 Streaming link | |
go/sepomana22 - WRMC Spring Concert |
go/statsweek - Library - Circ form |
go/statuniverse - Library - Subscription database | |
go/stay - Admissions' "where to stay and eat" | |
go/StayBlue - Recurring Gift Mailer | |
go/serenade - serenades! | |
go/stayconnected - MAA link for ad in magazine | |
go/serengetee - Serengetee is a social venture that uses patterns from all over the world to create cool, unique pocket t's, v-necks, and tanks. Along with our great product, we have a mission to give back to these same countries that create the patterns. | |
go/stayhyrdated - #stayhyrdated | |
go/serialset - Library - Subscription database. U.S. Congressional Serial Set online. |
go/STD - CDC fact sheet web pages in English and Spanish about Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
go/serialssolutions - Serials Solutions | |
go/STDs - CDC fact sheet web pages in English and Spanish about Sexually Transmitted Diseases | |
go/sersol - Serials Solutions | |
go/sert - Middlebury Student Emergency Response Team (SERT) | |
go/serttraining - Training hours log for SERT members |
go/StealThis - Public Safety Computer MAC Registration for Anti-Theft Purposes |
go/serve - Middlebury Intervarsity Christian Fellowship community service site |
go/StealThisIDareYou - Public Safety Computer MAC Registration for Anti-Theft Purposes |
go/serverspace - Form for students to request space on Snowleopard (see go/snowleopard.) | |
go/serverspacerequest - Form for requesting separate storage space for students to use in specialized cases. | |
go/serveUP - ServeUP (Urban Project) - Spring break service trip with Midd-IV Christian Fellowship |
go/steep - TEA CLUB WOOOO MCTEA assam, darjeeling, puerh, gen mai cha, jasmine, gunpowder etc etc |
go/steinway - News on the arrival of Middlebury's new Steinway concert grand piano; a gift of Ray, Meredith, and Nathaniel '12.5 Rothrock. | |
go/service - Go to the facilities service request form |
go/stem - Science and Mathematics at Middlebury |
go/servicecatalog - Service Catalog in TeamDynamix - All Services | |
go/servicecatalogue - Service Catalog in TeamDynamix - All Services |
go/stemevents - Ongoing STEM Events from the Center for Careers & Internships Health Professions & STEM Advisors |
go/steminnovation - Middlebury Stem Innovation Project | |
go/servicedesk - GMHEC Ticket System |
go/stemtutoring - CTLR STEM and Quantitative Tutoring |
go/stemtutors - Canvas Course for STEM and Quantitative Tutors | |
go/servicerequest - Shortcut for Facilities Service Request Form, used by FYCs, RAs, and CAs | |
go/steppingup - LECTURE: Stepping Up: Making a difference from inside big industry | |
go/sesno24 - Frank Sesno Residency 2024 landing page. | |
go/session2worksheet - Worksheet for NSCI 0345 Session 2, 2021 fall | |
go/sessionlog - CTLR STEM Tutoring | |
go/setup - Instructions - How to set up your new (or re-imaged) college-owned computer |
go/stepwise - Stepwise promotes the education of personal finance. Stepwise is run by Middlebury Alumni Seavron Banus |
go/seventheplay - SEVEN - 03/3-4/2020 |
go/sterilization - See if your state allows forced sterilization today! |
go/sew - Information about Middlebury's Sewing Club | |
go/sex - Need sex, love or relationship advice? Submit your sex queerys here then catch the answers via podcast easy, right? easy | |
go/stevo - Stevo | |
go/stew - Stuart Warren for SGA President campaign site | |
go/stewagerats - Stewage Rats Hunt Team | |
go/stewarthunt - The Stewart Hunt | |
go/sexfest - Middlebury College Department of Women and Gender Studies | |
go/StewHepRAResources - A place Stewart and Hepburn RAs can find useful information | |
go/sexinthedark - SRR is hosting Middlebury's very first Sex Education Panel! We have invited a group of sex-perts to the gamut room to answer anonymous questions submitted by students that will be answered by the panel. Bring your friends and all the questions you've ever had about sexual experiences to have them answered in a safe and anonymous space. All topics are welcome: Sexual fantasies, trauma informed sex, queer sex, "Is this normal", orgasms, queefing, do people like giving blowjobs, sexting, cyber sex, sex work, and everything else!!! Feel free to submit any questions here, however there will be opportunities to submit answers at the event as well. We are excited to see you there!!! -- SRR Event Info: Monday January 27th, Gamut Room, 7-8:30 PM If you have any questions for SRR or about the event, please feel free to email our president: easch@middlebury.edu | |
go/stick-with-it - Lacrosse clinic for kids | |
go/stickandpoke - booking form for handpokes with love by madeleine xx | |
go/sexpanther - Sex Panther column for the Middlebury Campus |
go/stillontheinternetbigtime - Still on the internet big time! |
go/sexualassault - Sexual Assault Resources and Information | |
go/sexualassaulthelp - A link to the title IX and sexual violence resources | |
go/sexualcitizens - Register for the Fall 2020 Sexual Citizens Book Discussion Group, occurring October and November 2020 |
go/stitranslation - A website which offers language translations for sti's |
go/sexualcitizenstalk - This shortcut links to an event listing on Presence for a Zoom talk by authors Jennifer Hirsch and Shamus Khan on March 18, 2021. |
go/stlgrams - Middlebury MAtl St.louis fundraising google form |
go/sexualfrustration - Self Explanatory | |
go/sexualhealth - Sexual health survey of Middlebury undergraduates, data collection performed by psychology department. | |
go/sexualhealthsurvey - Sexual health survey of Middlebury undergraduates, data collection performed by psychology department. | |
go/sexualmisconduct - Sexual Misconduct Policy |
go/stoch - stochastic processes spring '11 |
go/stockroom - MBH stockroom | |
go/stocks - Link to stock transfer information. | |
go/stocktrack - Economics of Finance Stock Track Game | |
go/stocktransfer - Link to stock transfer instructions | |
go/stoked - So stoked | |
go/stomp - Check our Active Minds' website description of National Day Without Stigma that we're bringing to Middlebury's campus this Tuesday, October 9th! | |
go/stonehenge - Stonehenge Idea Competition Information | |
go/stonks - What a do babbyyyyy. Stonks are always up | |
go/sexyhealth - Your go-to website for everything sexual and reproductive health related! | |
go/stop - A page depicting a modern mechanism for directing the public to either go or stop. Picture is not copyrighted. | |
go/stopbotheringme - Room 404 | |
go/sf - Admissions Senior Fellows website | |
go/sfa - A link for students to Middlebury's sober friend agreement form. |
go/stopdirtybanks - Information about the current SNEG campaign about divesting from J.P. Morgan Chase bank, as well as information about the 32123 demonstration. |
go/sfas - Student Fellowships and Scholarships | |
go/sfblog - Link to the Senior Fellows Blog. | |
go/stoplyingtowomen - Anti CPC google form! | |
go/SFlaunch - Registration - For Every Future Campaign Launch, San Francisco |
go/stopp5k - sign up for stopp 5k ! |
go/sfoam - Student Friends of Art Museum | |
go/stopsopa - Learn about the fight against the Stop Online Privacy Act | |
go/sfoamcalligraphy - 2024 sfoam calligraphy event |
go/stopthebleed - Logging attendance at Stop The Bleed Training sessions. |
go/sfoamcomp - submission form and competition guidelines for the SFOAM student merch design competition ('23) |
go/stopthebleed24 - The Pre-Health Society will be hosting SFC Roderick Long on APRIL 19 AT 4:30PM as he leads us through a workshop on how to respond to a bleeding injury. Attendees will receive a STOP THE BLEED certification. Sign-up is encouraged because it ensures we have enough supplies for everyone! |
go/sfoamhunt23 - items and submission details for the Sfoam scavenger hunt 2023, to win this year's student designed hoodie! |
go/stopthesteal - The Noodle's Spring 2021 application. |
go/sfoamvote - vote for sfoam design competition |
go/stopthetongs - Stop the tongs campaign |
go/sfoamvote24 - Google form for voting for the SFoAM 24 Hoodie Design Competition | |
go/stoptraffick - Facebook page for Middlebury Stop Human Traffick Organization | |
go/stopwatch - stopwatch | |
go/sfs/forms - SFS Forms - Middlebury | |
go/sfs/ug/payment - Student Financial Services webpage about undergraduate tuition payments. |
go/storagemutualaid - Summer Storage Mutual Aid 2022 |
go/sfs?appblse - Financial Aid - Bread Loaf School of English Application |
go/storagerequest - SGA Storage Assistance Request Form |
go/store - College Store | |
go/sfs?appls - Financial Aid - Language Schools Application |
go/stories - Read Your Stories! |
go/sfs?forms - Financial Aid Office - Forms | |
go/sfs?plans - Financial Aid Office - Payment Plans | |
go/sfsapplications - (jma) SFS link to Applications and Forms page |
go/story - Tell Us Your Story! |
go/sfsapplicationsandforms - (jma) SFS link to Applications and Forms page | |
go/sfsapplyfinaid - SFS Apply for Financial Aid landing page |
go/storymap_workshop - content for storymaps workshop |
go/storymaps - arcgis storymaps | |
go/sfsbills - SFS Payment Options |
go/storyofgeometry - Library guide for FYSE 1423 - The Story of Geometry |
go/SFSCOD - (JMA) Student Financial Services COD - Common Origination and Disbursements |
go/storytelling - Class site for FMMC0257 Storytelling in Film & Media |
go/sfsconsumerdisclosure - JMA - Student Financial Services Consumer Disclosure Links page | |
go/sfsconsumerinformation - JMA - Student Financial Services Consumer Disclosure Links page |
go/storytellingworkshop - Any member of the campus community is invited to this workshop, including students, faculty, and staff. Participants will learn storytelling and listening techniques based on the Restorative Justice model and Theatre of The Oppressed pedagogy. Campus sexual assault affects everyone, and this workshop uses non-traditional theatrical techniques to encourage the entire community to share their voices in the interest of healing. The PTSD team will work intimately with the Title IX or Social Work offices to keep the particular needs of the campus in mind. |
go/storytime - Get notified by the Middlebury MothUp when a storytelling event is nigh | |
go/sfsforms - (jma) SFS link to Applications and Forms page |
go/storytimejuntos - Sign up for Spanish English storytime at Ilsley Public Library every second and fourth Saturday of the month. |
go/storytold - A link to the website for Storytold, an Old Stone Mill effort to create a personalized, by-request storytelling service. | |
go/sfsloans - (jma) Student Financial Services Loans |
go/storytoldapply - The application page for the OSM-based Storytold project. |
go/sfspayment - go link for new students to take them to NELNET info and access. |
go/stove - How to use an MSR Whisperlite camping stove |
go/sfspaymentoptions - SFS Payment Options |
go/stovecleaning - Video tutorials for how to clean MSR Whisperlite stoves and stove pumps. |
go/sfspayments - SFS Payment Options |
go/stovemanual - The MSR instruction manual for Whisperlite Universal stoves. Includes a list and diagram of all parts to be referred to when cleaning/assembling. |
go/sfsrefunds - Student refunds, tuition refund, withdrawal refund, |
go/stowederby - Link to 2015 Registration for Stowe Derby |
go/sfsscholarnet - (JMA) Student Financial Services ScholarNet portal page | |
go/sfsssnupdate - SFS 1098T SSN/TIN | |
go/sfstuitionrefund - Student refunds, tuition refund, withdrawal refund, |
go/straightjackets - 2014 Gensler Symposium Schedule |
go/sfstypesofaid - SFS Types of Aid | |
go/sfsugpayments - SFS Payment Options |
go/strategicthinkingWORKSHOP - MiddCORE Workshop with Ashoka Fellow Kathryn Hall-Trujillo |
go/SFSW9S - SFS 1098T SSN/TIN | |
go/sfswiretransfer - SFS Payment Options |
go/strawpoll - Vote Joe Biden in Middlebury Straw Poll (J-term 2018)! |
go/sfswiretransfers - SFS Payment Options |
go/streak - ESPN Streak for the Cash |
go/sfswithdrawalrefund - Student refunds, tuition refund, withdrawal refund, | |
go/streamingfaq - Library - Video Streaming FAQ for Faculty, updated summer 2021 | |
go/sg13paemail - FY14 Parent Seasons Greetings Email |
go/streamingrequest - Request form for video streaming requests |
go/sg13ugemail - FY14 Season's Greetings Email |
go/streamingrequests - Request form for video streaming requests |
go/sga - The Student Government Association's official website. |
go/streamingvideo-french - MIDCAT browse list of French language streaming video available via Kanopy, sorted by title |
go/sga2021 - SGA 2021-22 committee onboarding form |
go/streamingvideofrench - MIDCAT browse list of French language streaming video available via Kanopy, sorted by title |
go/StreamLab - Virtual Stream Field Trip created for the BIOL0140 EcoEvo course | |
go/sga?elect - SGA - Elections | |
go/sga?request - SGA - Request Form | |
go/sgabus - Link to the SGA Break Bus page |
go/streep - Middlebury Magazine article |
go/strengths - Gallup CliftonStrengths for Students | |
go/sgacabinet - A go/ link for students to easily access the nomination form for Spring 2020 SGA Cabinet Director positions. | |
go/sgacabnom - A Google Form to submit and learn more about SGA Cabinet Nominations. |
go/stress16 - MCAB Social Stressbusters events for Spring 2016! |
go/sgacommittee - Apply to be in an SGA Committee! | |
go/sgacommonagenda - SGA Common Agenda 2017 | |
go/sgadebate - COME TO THE DEBATE! 4/24, 7:30, McCullough Social Space | |
go/sgaec - SGA Environmental Affairs Committee | |
go/sgaelection - SGA Elections Hub | |
go/sgaenvi - SGA Environmental Affairs Committee | |
go/strike - Labor Notes | |
go/sgafcliaison - SGA FC Liaison FY20 | |
go/sgafcliaisons - SGA FC Liaison FY20 |
go/stringlessons - PAS lessons with the Takacs Quartet 1/20/2024 |
go/sgagrievancereview - This is a confidential link available to the SGA Constitution Committee Chair and select members to review and edit the org grievance form and view responses. | |
go/sgaidc - Institutional Diversity Committee's webpage |
go/strjguide - How to Navigate the Pleasures and Pitfalls of Reproductive Justice Activism on Middlebury Campus and Beyond |
go/sgameeting2022 - Th drive where all General Assembly notes are assembled | |
go/sganotes - Th drive where all General Assembly notes are assembled | |
go/stroupOH - Sarah Stroup's OH appt calendar | |
go/sgaprojects - SGA Project Tracking |
go/structured-discussion - DISCUSSION AS A WAY OF TEACHING Stephen Brookfield Teachers College April 24th & 25th, 2011 WORKSHOP RESOURCE PACKET |
go/sgaref - Link to SGA Constitutional Referendum 2017 |
go/struggle - All aboard the struggle bus! |
go/sts - Sister to Sister's website | |
go/sgastorage22 - SGA summer storage 2022 | |
go/sgasurvey - SGA Student Life Survey 2016-2017 | |
go/sgavote - SGA Elections | |
go/sgbae - RaeBae for president! |
go/stss - Science Technical Support Services |
go/stu - Stuart Warren SGA president campaign site | |
go/stuckinthediddle - Stuck In the Diddle Concert | |
go/shadowbudget - Shadow budget monitoring tool for student org treasurers to use to keep track of their org's balance. | |
go/student+employment - Student Employment Office | |
go/shakespeareguide - Library guide to Shakespeare. | |
go/studentaccess - Concerned Students of Middlebury Student Accessibility Needs and Improvements Survey Data Communication | |
go/shakey - The Wikipedia Page for William Shakespeare |
go/studentactivities - Links to the Student Activities Office |
go/studentambassadors - Link to Student Ambassador Website | |
go/shaneclicked - Shane's impact blog post. |
go/studentart - blackbirds orchard |
go/shangchi - Form for the screening of Shang-Chi on 9/16. | |
go/studentconference - 2016 Third Annual Student Global Affairs Conference | |
go/studentcoursespacerequest - Form for students to request space on Snowleopard (see go/snowleopard.) | |
go/share - Share your stories for It Happens Here November Event | |
go/StudentEMT - Student EMT website | |
go/sharedcalendar - How to access shared calendars |
go/studentfinancialservices - (jma) Student Financial Services |
go/sharedshelf - Shared Shelf | |
go/sharetowear - Share to Wear is a peer to peer clothing rental service for Middlebury College, similar to Rent the Runway, but with Middlebury students supplying the rental clothes. We're creating one large, accessible, fashionable, and affordable closet for all Middkids. We hope that Share to Wear creates a community of Middlebury students sharing + wearing each other's clothes, something accessible and affordable to all students, while minimizing consumerism. |
go/studenthealth - Student Health Portal |
go/studentinsurance - Student Health Insurance Plan | |
go/studentjobs - Middlebury College Employment Student Opportunities | |
go/studentlifedean - Deans play a crucial role in supporting with student academic and personal goals. | |
go/studentlifedeans - Deans play a crucial role in supporting with student academic and personal goals. | |
go/shbeta - Test shortcut | |
go/sheetmusic - Special Collections sheet music inventory |
go/studentloans.gov - JMA - Student Aid.Gov |
go/studentloansgov - JMA - Student Aid.Gov | |
go/shefly - SheFly startup survey to add contacts | |
go/studentorg - Info. about Student Orgs and its resources | |
go/sheldonprimo - Library - Sheldon Museum catalog on Middlebury Library catalog (LibrarySearch) |
go/studentorghandbook - The Student Org Handbook serves as a resource for on-campus student organizations to learn about policy and manage effective organizations. |
go/sheldonrelicchair - Middlebury class researching Henry Sheldon's Relic Chair | |
go/shellsofbullets - Shells of Bullets in Nigeria | |
go/studentorgpolicies - Student organization policies in the College Handbook. | |
go/shellwelcomingcommittee - Shells of Bullets in Nigeria | |
go/studentorgresources - Resources for Student Orgs | |
go/shepherd - shepherd internship information |
go/studentprojectpipeline - Student Project Pipeline, a place for students to share their projects! |
go/studentprojects - Student Project Pipeline, a place for students to share their projects! | |
go/studentrefund - Student refunds, tuition refund, withdrawal refund, | |
go/studentreligiousorgs - list of student religious organizations | |
go/studentresourceguide - Student Resource Guide | |
go/sherlock - Sherlock Holmes Across Media syllabus, Fall 2017 | |
go/sherlockcanvas - MiddSherlock Canvas Fall 2017 |
go/students - The Center for Teaching, Learning and Research (CTLR) Student Academic Support |
go/studentscholarship-submit - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission | |
go/studentscholarshipdeposit - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission | |
go/shiaspread - hunt spreadsheet |
go/studentscholarshipsubmit - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission |
go/studentspeaker - TEDxMiddlebury Student Speaker Competition | |
go/shiftplanning - Helpdesk Student Schedule | |
go/shimball - Robbie Shimasaki's Facebook Profile |
go/studentstatus - Student Status section of the Handbook |
go/studenttech - Top Things Students Should Know About Technology at Midd | |
go/shit - temp | |
go/StudentTrek - Shortcut to CCI's Student Trek web page | |
go/shook - Wendy Shook |
go/studentvid - FY14 TY Vid Appeal |
go/shootanorange - American Flatbread (please RSVP), citrus fruit, and needles! What more could you want? Glucagon is an emergency injection used to treat severe hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in diabetics. If left untreated, severe hypoglycemia results in seizures and death. There are 29.1 million people in the United States living with diabetes. Glucagon is life-saving and made to be used by bystanders, even children! Despite all this, Middlebury College Public Safety refuses to allow their officers to use glucagon in emergencies, even on a volunteer basis. Learning to use glucagon will help keep your peers as well as the staff/faculty of Middlebury safe. It's a skill that will remain useful your entire life. Join us Thursday in the Coffrin Lounge to enjoy some American Flatbread while you learn to recognize symptoms of severe hypoglycemia and how to respond with glucagon. At the end of the session, you'll have the option of practicing administering glucagon into a citrus fruit. In less than an hour, you'll become more useful in an emergency than any Middlebury College Public Safety officer. For pizza purposes, please RSVP to this event. We hope you'll come by and learn how to save a life! |
go/studentwriting - blackbirds orchard |
go/shop - College Store |
go/studio - Recording studio schedule |
go/shopbetter - Links to a survey that collects data about how Middlebury students shop online |
go/studioabroad - Middlebury Abroad Log-in |
go/shoplocal - This link goes directly to the GreenTown VT page, where students can learn more about what the service does for them, and how they can help. |
go/studioapp - Application for the FIC recording studio |
go/shoplocally - Goes to GTVT Shops Supported page, directing students to the shops we support. |
go/studioart - Studio Art Department |
go/shopmidd - Goes to GTVT Shops Supported page, directing students to the shops we support. |
go/studioartguide - Library Research Guide for Studio Art |
go/shoppingsurvey - Links to a survey that collects data about how Middlebury students shop online |
go/studioscene - Sight & Sound 1 studio scene folder |
go/studioschedule - access the mmu studio schedule | |
go/shortcut_Hebrew_Calligraphy_Workshop - Hebrew Calligraphy Workshop - Registration Form | |
go/study+abroad - Middlebury Schools Abroad | |
go/study_away - Study away in Monterey | |
go/shorty - Happy Birthday! | |
go/shoulderex - This is a link to sports medicine squat screen google drive where you can access thoracic spine specific exercises for mobility and strengthening. |
go/studyabroadcontest - Newsroom article about 2018 Study Abroad Photo Contest |
go/studyabroadguide - Library research guides (choose the guide for your language to learn about resources for students abroad). | |
go/show - WRMC 91.1 FM Middlebury College Radio Show Application Form - Fall 2015 | |
go/showcase - Digital Humanities showcase |
go/studycarrels - carrel and locker info on wiki |
go/showdown - This link is a connector to the facebook page the event first-year showdown - a sports tournament organised for the Class of 2018. |
go/studydb - StudyDB. Language Schools curricular resources: Vocabulary study materials for Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic. |
go/studygroup - The website for the DLA study group. Started in Winter 2017. | |
go/studygroups - CTLR Information about Peer Tutor Led Study Groups | |
go/showmyart - M Gallery Show Interest Form |
go/studying - CTLR Learning Resources - Reading and Study Skills |
go/showsub - WRMC radio show substitution |
go/studymichele - Sign up for Michele's research study! |
go/showtime - Link for the Evo show blurb |
go/studymichelle - Sign up for Michele's research study! |
go/showusthemoney - The AAUP gives you the lowdown on real wages | |
go/shp - Student Health Policies | |
go/stumptuous - Krista Scott-Dixon's talk from the 2011 Gensler Symposium, "Confessions of a Feminist Nutritionist." | |
go/shrek - Chrome's recruitment page |
go/stw - Share to Wear's Instagram Page - rent dresses from peers on campus |
go/shrif - Shrif |
go/STWcalendar - Share to Wear's calendar with up-to-date hours of pop-up shops. Come by to rent a dress or check out what we're all about! |
go/stwdressentry - Share to Wear dress entry form | |
go/STWhours - Hours of Share to Wear at Middlebury | |
go/shutthefuckup - Room 404 |
go/style - A link to the online AP Stylebook |
go/shuttle - This is for signing up to help with shuttles with Admissions events |
go/styleguide - A great style guide provided by the Communications department. |
go/shuttles - Discover Middlebury Shuttles |
go/su - Online forum for advanced composition course with Professor Su Tan (MU309), for posting listening assignments and ideas. |
go/si - Middlebury Scientific Instruments and Facilities |
go/sub-free - Substance-free student community interest form for students who are low-to-no use, substance-free, or in recovery. |
go/subfree - Substance-free student community interest form for students who are low-to-no use, substance-free, or in recovery. | |
go/sib2sib - Register for Sib2Sib Events |
go/subjectguides - Library - Subject Guides |
go/sibmentor - Mentor registration | |
go/submit - Form for submitting thesis/senior work to Midd digital collection | |
go/submit-library-mews - Library Mews submission form | |
go/sicbuddy - Signup sheet for SIC buddy system |
go/submit-ss - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission |
go/submit-studentscholarship - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission | |
go/sicdoc - A link for SIC members to access the schedule of events. |
go/submit2017 - Submit written work for Translingual's Fall 2017 Issue! |
go/sicelection - SIC election link |
go/submit2crampus - make submissions to the crampus |
go/sicgroup - Signup form for industry groups in the SIC | |
go/submitcrampus - make submissions to the crampus | |
go/submitlibrarymews - Library Mews submission form | |
go/SICNR - SIC's Natural Resources Group | |
go/submitmews - Library Mews submission form | |
go/sicportfolio - SIC's portfolio | |
go/sicvote - MiddSIC paperless voting. |
go/submitoa - Link to Drupal form for submitting Open Access manuscripts to the repository. Login required. |
go/sicvote24 - Link for SIC committee members to vote on stock pitches for Spring 2024. |
go/submitphoto - Photography Club Photograph Submit |
go/submitphotos2017 - Submit your photos to be published in Translingual's Fall 2017 Issue! | |
go/SID - Stuck In the Diddle Concert |
go/submitss - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission |
go/siegel - Books on the architecture of Gwathmey Siegel. |
go/submitstudentscholarship - Middlebury Student Scholarship submission |
go/sierra-client - Install the latest version of (library) Sierra |
go/submitthesis - Form for submitting thesis/senior work to Midd digital collection |
go/sierra-install - Library - SDA install / update documentation. Sierra Desktop App how-to. MUST be on-campus OR use VPN to see and use. |
go/submiturl - Submit links to material of historical significance relating to Midd for the Middlebury College Web Archive. Examples include news articles and publications about Middlebury, websites for student orgs, etc. |
go/sierraproject - Basecamp project management platform for the 2018 Library Sierra migration |
go/submiturlbackend - Submit URL Archive-It Google Form backend |
go/sightandsound2 - FMMC 0335 Sight and Sound 2 - Fall 2021 |
go/submitweb - Submit links to material of historical significance relating to Midd for the Middlebury College Web Archive. Examples include news articles and publications about Middlebury, websites for student orgs, etc. |
go/sightsound - Sight and Sound l |
go/submitwork - Form for submitting thesis/senior work to Midd digital collection |
go/sightsound2 - Sight and Sound II, Fall 2019 | |
go/subscribe - Subscribe to AFC newsletter | |
go/sightsoundfall21 - Canvas site for Sight and Sound I Fall 2021 |
go/SubscribeCCI - Shortcut to the form to subscribe to the CCI Career Community Newsletters. |
go/subscribener - New England Review subscription renewal on Book Store site (jma) | |
go/sign - Divest Middlebury Petition |
go/subscribenewenglandreview - New England Review subscription renewal on Book Store site (jma) |
go/signarts - Monthly Arts slides |
go/subscribeqanda - Sign up for our email list to hear about bi-weekly meetings, social events, and more! |
go/signcsm - CSM petitions |
go/success - For when you're feeling successful |
go/suen - Who the hell is Michael Suen? | |
go/suffragecentennial - A Woman Presidential Candidate in 1872 and 1884. Lecture by Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner. | |
go/signforseniors - Information and a petition about seniors' current concerns for the commencement plans. |
go/sugarbush - Sugarbush ski resort |
go/sugarbushpass - Ski/Ride both areas at Sugarbush Resort, and Ski Mad River Glen, at a college student rate of $359 for this winter. Price goes up after 11/7 | |
go/signlibrary - library signage |
go/sugarbushskibus - Sign up for the Ski Bus via the Box Office |
go/sugardaddy - Omega Alpha | |
go/signs - Sign up to participate in Geography research! |
go/suggestapurchase - Links to the Suggest a Library Purchase Form. |
go/signthehealthpledge - Sign the Health Pledge | |
go/signup - Signup form for Segue migration workshops | |
go/signups - Signup form for Segue migration workshops |
go/suite - Performing Arts Series event, The Sweet Science Suite, March 15-16, 2013. |
go/signupservestaff - A link for Midd students to sign up to volunteer to help serve at the Staff Appreciation Dinner for April 2018. | |
go/sii - Initial press release on the Sustainable Investments Initiative | |
go/sije - MiddJazz page with links to the Sound Investment Jazz Ensemble |
go/suiteselection - Available Suites for Suite/Small House Lottery and Suite Lottery Processes |
go/sijedropbox - Audio dropbox for the Sound Investment Jazz Ensemble. | |
go/sulara - The URL will be updated within a week. | |
go/silencedvoices - Juntos' Film Screening of Silenced Voices |
go/summer - Summer funding for Middlebury Undergraduates |
go/silentretreat - RSVPs for Emily Proctor's May 2023 retreat |
go/summer+language - Middlebury College Language Schools |
go/sillyhat - i love my roommate | |
go/silomural - Silo Transformation Project | |
go/silp - SILP | |
go/silverman - Web materials for Shane Silverman's 2023 SGA Presidential Campaign. | |
go/sim - Middlebury College's youngest all-male a cappella group. | |
go/sim24 - SIM audition signup | |
go/simaudition - SIM audition signup |
go/summer2k14 - WRMC Middlebury College Radio Summer Programming Application |
go/SIMDiddle - Stuck In the Diddle Concert | |
go/summerblog - Admissions Summer Interns 2015 Blog | |
go/summercasebuddy - Student sign up for alumni mentor to practice case interviewing | |
go/simitunes - Stuck in the Middle (SIM) on iTunes. |
go/summercpt - petition to the school for issuing CPT for 2019 summer |
go/summerfunding - Information about summer internship funding | |
go/simNewCD - SIM CD Release |
go/summerfunds - CTLR Undergraduate Research summer research assistant funding information for faculty. |
go/simon - [Simon Kiel] Special Collections Orientation Checklist | |
go/simp - Hank | |
go/summerhousing - Summer Housing info | |
go/simplemenu - Mobile web app for Middlebury College dining menus. |
go/summerlee - summer lee phonbank |
go/summerofwriting - Summer of writing for BLSE Summer 2020 | |
go/simranbhalla - fooooood | |
go/SIMS - Single item catalog spreadsheet |
go/summerpay - Shortcut to the options for summer school payment |
go/summerpaymentoptions - Shortcut to the options for summer school payment | |
go/summerprogram - Suggestions or requests for 2023 Summer programs. | |
go/summerresearch - CTLR Undergraduate Research Summer Program | |
go/simswing - SIM meets Swing 2012 |
go/summerscarf - summer scarves are a thing! |
go/simthemorningafter - SIM Presents: The Morning After | |
go/summerstudio - MMU Summer Studio Schedule | |
go/sinbin - Middlebury College "Sin Bin" Terracycle Project | |
go/summersurvey2011 - EIA annual survey to find out what students do for internships, jobs, research, travel and service | |
go/summertechguide - Technology Guide for Summer Programs | |
go/singauditions - Glee club and Acapella Auditions! |
go/summon - Library - Summon single search. Provides a Google-like search experience, allowing researchers to use one search box to discover credible and reliable library content. |
go/summon-old - Original Summon go-link for after the EDS go-live. | |
go/singing - College Choir Website |
go/summon-original - Original Summon go-link for after the EDS go-live. |
go/singingcommunities - Web resources for FYSE 1347 |
go/summonold - Original Summon go-link for after the EDS go-live. |
go/summons - Library - Summon single search. Provides a Google-like search experience, allowing researchers to use one search box to discover credible and reliable library content. | |
go/sumtechguide - Technology Guide for Summer Programs | |
go/singleitemms - Single item catalog spreadsheet |
go/sunburst - Description of SunBurst graphs with implementation |
go/Sunday - International Small Group Time for international students and students abroad to meet up and get to know each other better. We will explore the world within even there are challenges to exploring the world abroad | |
go/singsim - SIM audition signup | |
go/singtheworldintoplace - WT 1056 | |
go/sundaytacos - The form is to sign up for the email list for Alejandras Cocina, which makes food on campus every weekend! | |
go/sinister - Come one, come all to the Middlebury Radio Theater of Thrills and Suspense's 11th annual live show in the Hepburn Zoo! Doors open at 7:30, and the show is free! Bring your friends and enjoy an evening of thrills and suspense! | |
go/SunEBlack - This link goes to poetry website: Soul Gone Home. It is home to a collection of poetry by Middlebury Student Dane Verret '12 and meant to be used in conjunction with his Senior Thesis. | |
go/sinscrire - French LS signup form for faculty workshop. Segue migration to WP and Moodle. 2012. | |
go/sunnyside - catherine's blog! | |
go/sunrisemidd - link to the facebook for Sunrise Middlebury! Look here to learn more | |
go/sunrun - 2011 Solar Decathlon 5K Sun Run Registration. | |
go/SItD - Stuck In the Diddle Concert |
go/supahotfire - supa hot fire |
go/siteimprove - Siteimprove web governance software. Craws for broken links, spelling errors, etc. | |
go/superbowl51 - 51 Main's 2012 Super Bowl Party Menu | |
go/sitemap - www.Middlebury.edu Site Map |
go/superdelightfulworkshop - Any member of the campus community is invited to this workshop, including students, faculty, and staff. Participants will learn storytelling and listening techniques based on the Restorative Justice model and Theatre of The Oppressed pedagogy. Campus sexual assault affects everyone, and this workshop uses non-traditional theatrical techniques to encourage the entire community to share their voices in the interest of healing. The PTSD team will work intimately with the Title IX or Social Work offices to keep the particular needs of the campus in mind. |
go/sites - Middlebury Sites (blogs) | |
go/supernova - Catalogue of Supernova Remnants (SNRs) | |
go/supernovae - Catalogue of Supernova Remnants (SNRs) | |
go/supernovaremnants - Catalogue of Supernova Remnants (SNRs) | |
go/supervisor - HR resources for supervisors | |
go/supervisors - Information for supervisors & managers | |
go/skateboard - SAKTE CREW |
go/supper - Supper menu. |
go/skazki - fairy tale lives of russian girls | |
go/sketch - Audition sheet for MDC fall 2023 |
go/support - WomenSafe Support Group |
go/sketchup - Google Sketchup video tutorials, for all levels of skill | |
go/sketchupintro - Google Sketchup video intro tutorials | |
go/skibus - Sign up for the Ski Bus via the Box Office |
go/supportfeminism - This is the embodiment of feminism. Please do support |
go/supportfreespeech - Support Free Speech at Middlebury College | |
go/skiclub - Alpine Ski Club | |
go/skida - SKIDA |
go/supporting - Supporting Middlebury |
go/supporting?axinn - Supporting Middlebury - Axinn Center at Starr Library | |
go/skifastliketucker - He's my best friend, and he skis fast | |
go/skiga - Middlebury Nordic Ski Club | |
go/supportjohnny - For First Years who wish to express support for Johnny Gaston as a First Year Senator | |
go/skilessons - J-Term Ski/Snowboard Lessons | |
go/skillssurvey - Research Skills of Incoming Students: Survey Highlights | |
go/skillsurvey - Research Skills of Incoming Students: Survey Highlights |
go/supportsurvivors - Communal Statement in Support of Survivors |
go/skimovie - Trailer for our ski movie | |
go/skin - Check out the Skin Cancer Foundation website for the most recent research, preventative methods, and information on skin cancer! | |
go/skipass - College 4.0 Ski Pass info for 2015-2016 | |
go/skipatrol - Middlebury College Snowbowl Ski Patrol | |
go/skirace - GlobeMed Ski Race Registration |
go/survey - Student Life Survey, Winter 2015 |
go/surveyls - FY14 LS survey results stats | |
go/surveymonkey - Survey creation site | |
go/surveys - Institutional Research - Surveys | |
go/skitrip - Middlebury Mont Tremblant Ski Trip |
go/surveys?behavior - Surveys - Survey of Individual Behavior in Vermont |
go/skitune - Middlebury Ski Tuning Business |
go/surveys?parents - Surveys - Parent Communication Survey |
go/skitunes - Middlebury Ski Tuning Business |
go/surveyug - FY14 plain text undergrad survey stats |
go/skituneup - Middlebury Ski Tuning Business |
go/survivor - Relay for Life Survivor Dinner, RSVP form |
go/skituning - Middlebury Ski Tuning Business | |
go/skp - Google Sketchup video tutorials, for all levels of skill |
go/sushi - Three Brothers Sushi |
go/skpintro - Google Sketchup video intro tutorials |
go/sushigo - Automated scoresheet for Sushi Go because counting and arithmetic are hard for math majors. |
go/sushigosushi - Automated scoresheet for Sushi Go because counting and arithmetic are hard for math majors. | |
go/sky - Windows SkyDrive |
go/sushigosushigo - Automated scoresheet for Sushi Go because counting and arithmetic are hard for math majors. |
go/skyd - Microsoft SkyDrive | |
go/skydrive - Windows Skydrive is a great online feature that allows you to back up 25 GB of data to an offsite server for free, in addition to 5 GB of automatically syncing folders. No more lost papers! (Hopefully) |
go/sustainabilityalums - Global Sustainability Alum Speaker Series |
go/sl - Segue Log In | |
go/sustainabilityquestions - Suggest questions for a student sustainability literacy and culture assessment! | |
go/sustainabilitysurvey - Comprehensive sustainability survey! | |
go/slack - The Middlebury Computer Science Slack channel. | |
go/slack2018 - join slack 2018 |
go/sustainablecommunity - ENVS 0401 Senior Seminar Report: Cultivating Community through Sustainable Transportation: Proposed Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements in Vergennes, VT |
go/slackmcg - Midd Consulting Slack | |
go/sustainableliving - Application for solar decathlon houses | |
go/slamcam - noah stone campaign |
go/SustainableMidd - Information about sustainability during COVID |
go/sustainabletv - Public site for FMMC/ENVS 1019, Sustainable Television | |
go/sustainablog - Sustainability Solutions Lab Interns Blog. Summer2020 cohort. | |
go/slamnesty2020 - Middlebury Slamnesty event link |
go/sustainer2020 - Go link for Spring FY20 recurring giver rollover campaign |
go/sustFB - Franklin Environmental Center at Hillcrest Facebook page | |
go/slamnestysignup - Sign up sheet to perform for Slamnesty! | |
go/SUTS2020 - Zoom link for Sex Under the Stars 2020 | |
go/slangdictionary - Middlebury College Slang Dictionary, January 2024 Collaborators: Intro to TESOL course students- January 2024 Editors: Kelcey Dion & Claudia Lopez |
go/sv - School Visit page for Admissions information |
go/slanomination - Link to the Student Leadership Award (SLA) nomination form. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to nominate students or student organizations for any of the awards. | |
go/svbtle - Simple blogging. | |
go/slash - Find out about Sam Naumann for Feb senator! I am a Feb freshman running for one of the two seats! | |
go/slate - Middlebury Alumni Association annual slate of nominees | |
go/swag - Middlebury College Department of Women and Gender Studies | |
go/swagclan - #mlg | |
go/slds - Deans play a crucial role in supporting with student academic and personal goals. |
go/swaggy - :) |
go/swan - Middlebury Pranksters Ultimate | |
go/sledding - We'll leave from Adirondack Circle at 11:30am and return by 5pm. Feel free to bring your own sled or borrow one from us! Please RSVP by January 16th, 9pm. | |
go/sleep - Learn how to sleep, as taught by Goofy |
go/swansteve - Middlebury Pranksters Ultimate |
go/sleep101 - Free 45 minute online sleep course for Middlebury students | |
go/sleepadvice - Parton Health Center's various advice on sleep |
go/swc2019 - workshop page for Software Carpentry, January 2019 |
go/sleepawarenessweek - Sleep awareness week | |
go/sleepless - Behind the scenes at Sleepless in Burlington 2012. |
go/sweatervest - previously http://sweatervestmag.blogspot.com/ |
go/sleepout - Sleepout to End Homelessness | |
go/slg - Middlebury SLG KPI Dashboard | |
go/slg-c19 - SLG version of the C19 Tracking Dashboard |
go/sweetreat - MiddCORE project |
go/slg-test - TEST for latest SLG KPI Dashboard changes | |
go/slgov - JMA - Student Aid.Gov | |
go/swimdive - Swimming & Diving | |
go/swimlessons - direct link to sign up for SGA Justice Projects' SWIM LESSONS | |
go/slime - Slime Volleyball, by Martin Sweeney '13 and Sebastian Matt '16 | |
go/slingbo - Shortcut for Sling | |
go/sliter - My personal website |
go/swimteam - Varsity Swimming & Diving Home Page |
go/SwimTrip - Help fund the swimming and diving team! | |
go/swineflu - The place to go for updates from the College on the swine influenza situation. | |
go/slug - Slug. | |
go/swingdance - Sends you to the Middlebury Swing Club MiddLink page | |
go/swingleft - Get involved with Swing Left Midd! | |
go/swingleftmidd - Get involved with Swing Left Midd! | |
go/swipes - Swiper no swiping. | |
go/swit - TEST | |
go/smallgroupgame - InterVarsity |
go/swl - Information about Student Wellness Leaders (Office of Health & Wellness Education) |
go/smallgroups - Middlebury InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Small Groups |
go/swl-app - Application for Student Wellness Leader (Office of Health & Wellness Education) |
go/smallgroupslesson - How to lead an InterVarsity small group |
go/swl-rec - Recommendation form for Student Wellness Leader applicant |
go/SWLapply - 2015-2016 Student Wellness Leader application. | |
go/swole - get2swole | |
go/smalltongs - muaha |
go/swtfu - Star Wars the Force Unleashed Countdown |
go/syllabus - Syllabus resource for faculty | |
go/syllabuscentral - CTLR Faculty Resources Using a Syllabus | |
go/smart?marbleworks - How to use the media equipment in the Marbleworks conference room. | |
go/sym - Spring Student Symposium - a celebratory day of student research and creative presentations. | |
go/symapp - Spring Student Symposium Application | |
go/symposium - Spring Student Symposium - a celebratory day of student research and creative presentations. | |
go/symposium2014 - Information about spring 2014 undergraduate research symposium | |
go/smartguide - A list of classroom buildings on campus, click on the building your classroom is in and find the Media Instructions as well as troubleshooting tips. |
go/symposiumprep - Sign up for drop-in delivery prep support for your spring symposium presentation. |
go/syncchrome - Google Chrome info -- Turn sync on or off | |
go/smartwork - Useful link for Chem students | |
go/smash - Facebook page for the Middlebury Smash Club |
go/syncissues - Microsoft's EasyFix tool for renaming files with problematic filenames. |
go/syrsurvey - I am researching how students' political leaning/orientation affects their perception and use of political terminology. Estimated time is 6 minutes.Thank you so much for completing my survey! | |
go/system - Fight the power. | |
go/SMDVS - Sexual Misconduct, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Policy | |
go/smellofmoney - In addition to go.MIIS--adding go.MIDDLEBURY/SMELLOFMONEY for KAZU radio ads. |
go/syzygy - SYZYGY |